What Is Family Planning And What Are The benefits?

You might have wondered what the big fuss around family planning is about. Family planning is all about helping individuals determine when and if they want to have children by providing them with the necessary knowledge, resources, and procedures. It includes a variety of contraceptives and barrier techniques, such as condoms, and methods like abstinence.

What services are there for family planning?

Primary healthcare clinics across the country provide access to family planning, including free contraceptives and counselling.

Who is family planning for?

All women, men, and teenagers have access to family planning.

Benefits of family planning

  • Preventing health risks

Family planning allows for planning pregnancies and can postpone pregnancies for women at a higher risk of health problems and death from childbirth.

  • Prevent HIV/AIDS​

Family planning lowers the likelihood of unplanned pregnancy and the transmission of HIV/AIDS among women with the use of the dual method, resulting in fewer infected newborns and orphans.

  • Empowering people

People can make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health with the help of family planning.

  • Reducing teenage pregnancies

Young women who are not ready to have children have the option to protect themselves from an unplanned pregnancy.

Access to family planning is a human right, and if you want to avoid unplanned pregnancy and learn more about family planning and contraception, go to your local clinic and chat with a nurse who can help you, or send me a DM.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send a Facebook message , a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).

How To Prepare for The Next Semester

Your first semester might have been tough because you weren’t quite sure what to expect. But, being prepared for the next semester can help you keep ahead of your game.

Now, let’s look at some tips on how to prepare for next semester:

  1. Forgive yourself. You might have taken some hard knocks last semester, but it might be helpful to forgive yourself and learn from your past mistakes. You still have the rest of the year to make up for it.
  2. Make a plan and stick to it. Familiarize yourself with your course outline and plan ahead. The course outline has all the upcoming exams, assignments, and projects. Create a schedule to give yourself enough time to study and do your assignments. This will help you manage your time and workload better. Remember, it only works if you get started on your work ahead of time.
  3. Get organized. Organize your school supplies. Get new pens and notebooks if you can. This will get you a little excited for the next term and get you in the zone.
  4. Refresh your skills. It’s important to take some time to remind yourself of what you learned in the previous semester. This will help you better prepare for upcoming assessments and reduce the amount of study material you need to work through when the assessment dates approach.
  5. Connect with your lecturers. Reach out to your lecturers or tutors if you have any questions. They are there to help you.
  6. Take care of yourself: Listen to your body and take a break when you need to. Taking care of your mental and emotional health will help you become more productive and keep you motivated. Eat healthily and exercise to maintain good physical health. Also, make some time to relax and have fun to avoid burnout.
  7. School is hard enough; you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself. Be prepared, study enough and do your best. And don’t forget to ask for help when you need it.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Messagea Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).

Importance of Better Healthcare Access for Youth

The right to health is enshrined in South Africa’s constitution. Specifically, Section 27 of the Constitution is titled, “Health care, food, water and social security” which states that –

Everyone has the right to have access to:

  1. health care services, including reproductive health care;
  2. sufficient food and water; and
  3. social security, including, if they are unable to support themselves and their dependants, appropriate social assistance.

The constitution also states that, ‘The state must take reasonable legislative and other measures, within its available resources, to achieve the progressive realisation of each of these rights and that no one may be refused emergency medical treatment’.

The National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill is set to be debated in parliament soon, the NHI aims to ensure that all South Africans receive access to healthcare, for adolescents (teen health), the country is also guided by the 2017 National Adolescent and Youth Policy. Other policies which focus on youth health include the South Africa’s National Strategic Plan for HIV, TB and STIs, 2017-2022.

Despite key legislation and policies, the good intent has not translated to better quality healthcare for all South Africans including the youth. The healthcare system is in tatters, there are reports of alleged food shortages, water shortages and even long queues. The government prioritises adolescent health through, 1) school health services and 2) adolescent and youth-friendly services (AYFS). Across the world and in South Africa, at the ground level, teenagers may be afraid to seek healthcare in cases of teenage pregnancy and to access contraception for fear of their parents, communities and friends finding out. Other common issues are that youth are shouted at and youth are often at the receiving end of negative attitudes from health workers (e.g., nurses, and doctors) including being stigmatized. Often health facilities are far away, youth require transport money to access health facilities, or these health facilities are open during school hours.

The public health care system does not offer a full package of services which teenagers need, we tend to find services such as contraception, HIV, and TB but it’s tough to find mental health services or even sanitary pads or menstrual cups. The public health care system is outdated, you are unable to find the information you need online, to book an appointment, ask questions or even complain when you suffer discrimination in the system. At school if there is a nurse or a health care provider, they may not always be available, medications may not be available, and you may not know how to make an appointment or are even worried that your friends may find out that you’re trying to access healthcare services. The private sector in South Africa is more modern, for those who are able to afford it, you are able to visit a gym, earn points for being healthy, and buy your medication at pharmacies, but all of this is quite expensive and out-of-reach for most teenagers in the country.

These are all some of the main issues we need to rally around, we as young people cannot accept the poor quality of health care services, not when the constitution of this country points to the right to health, not when our youth health services are underfunded and of poor quality. We need a better health system, one that serves all populations including young people.

About the author: Dr Shakira Choonara is an award-winning public health practitioner and the 2017 Woman of the Year in Health in South Africa, she is also a Youth Commissioner for the Lancet Commission on Adolescent Health and Wellbeing. Tweet @ChoonaraShakira

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send a Facebook message or a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).

3 Skincare Tips You Need To Know

When it comes to skincare, there are so many options that it can feel quite overwhelming and somewhat confusing. With a ton of cleansers, toners, scrubs, moisturisers, and serums available, all claiming to give you the best skin ever, it can be challenging to figure out what skincare products are best suited for your skin type.

The most important part of building a skincare routine is knowing what your skin type is. When you know your skin type it makes it easy to choose the right products. Here are categories of skin types that can make it easier for you when choosing products:

  • Dry skin is flaky, scaly, or rough.
  • Oily skin is shiny, greasy, and may have big pores.
  • Combination skin is dry in some parts (cheeks) and oily in others (forehead, nose, and chin).
  • Sensitive skin may sting, burn, or itch after you use some other products.
  • Normal skin is balanced, clear, and not sensitive.

Choosing the right cleanser

Cleansing your skin is the first step for any skincare routine as it will remove any dirt, excess oils, and impurities on the skin. Those with dry or sensitive skin, look for a cleanser with moisturising properties to ensure that oils are not removed from your skin and keep away from foaming cleansers that can dry out your skin.  If you have oily or combination skin, you should get those that are lighter and won’t clog your pores, such as a foaming cleanser or a cleansing bar.

 Moisturising is key

Finding the right moisturiser for your skin type is an important step in your skincare, it needs to hydrate and restore your skin efficiently without leaving it feeling greasy and feeling heavy. A lot of people with oily skin also tend to make the mistake of not moisturizing, but this can be dangerous as when your skin is dehydrated, it will compensate for the lack of moisture by producing more oil and that is not good for your skin. When you have oily skin, lighter lotion formulas are better suited for you as they will hydrate (add water to) your skin and not add more oil. If you have normal skin, use a lotion or light cream. If you have very dry skin, use a heavy cream that takes a minute or two to absorb into your skin, you can apply it more than once a day.

Make sunscreen your best friend

This step is important because SPF is the most essential treatment for your skin with many benefits, and you don’t have to use it only in summer but in all seasons. The more sun protection you use, the better your skin. The powerful UVA and UVB rays of the sun result in premature ageing, fine lines, wrinkles dark spots, and also skin cancer. This is why wearing sunscreen is important, you must make sure you look for a sunscreen with an SPF 30 or higher. Choose a sunscreen based on your skin type, your climate, and how intense your sun exposure is.

  • For oily skin, choose a very light lotion for your sunscreen.
  • For normal skin, choose a lotion or a light cream, and for dry skin, a rich cream.
  • For mature and drier skin, look for a sunscreen that adds some repair to it.

You don’t need to break the bank balance to get healthy and beautiful skin. The best way to take care of your skin starts with just the basics and you can achieve the best results.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, an  Instagram message, a  Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).

The Importance of Youth Month

June is dedicated to the youth of 1976 who revolted against the apartheid government and gave their lives in the battle for freedom and the right to an equal education. This year marks 47 years since the rebellion in which many children died while resisting a system that aimed to deprive them of their identity and shatter their spirit.

Youth Month is a time for reflection, giving South Africans the chance to reflect on youth-related issues while they participate in commemorative events.

Gain valuable life lessons.

This is a time when the elderly can teach us important life lessons and provide us with knowledge based on their experiences. We can learn more about the culture and ideals they were a part of. You’ll benefit from their expertise and intellect. Pay closer attention to what they are saying. You’ll discover that these principles can influence the individual you desire to see in yourself.

Learn about the past.  

Learning about the past helps us understand how historical events influenced current events. Learning from the past helps us understand who we are and how we got here, as well as how to prevent mistakes in the future and steer society in better directions.

Gain a sense of purpose.

Finding your actual purpose is made easier when you are aware of your history, and this purpose serves as a powerful motivator for you to accomplish remarkable things. Whether it’s a long-held idea or a recently acquired way of life, the purpose will motivate you to accomplish anything.

Sense of belonging

When you know about your historical background you realize how beautiful and unique you are. This can give you a sense of self-worth and belonging.

Remember As young people, it is important that we work to improve the quality of life for our future.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send a Facebook message or a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).

Circumcision: What It Is, The Process and Expectations

Is your partner circumcised, Choma? Circumcision has been a hot topic for many years, and whether you choose to do it or not, it’s always a good idea to make an informed decision. If your partner is not circumcised, help him protect you by learning about what circumcision is and how it protects you. Here are a few things to know:

What is male circumcision?

Male circumcision involves the removal of the foreskin, which is the natural covering of the penis. The foreskin cannot regrow or be surgically replaced once it has been removed. Many people choose to circumcise for religious or cultural reasons.

What is the process?  

For babies, this is often performed in the hospital within 10 days of birth. The healthcare provider will inject or use an anaesthetic cream to numb the penis before surgically removing the foreskin, which normally takes around 10 minutes.

Because of their age, the process can take 30 minutes to an hour for boys and adults. The procedure can be performed under general anaesthesia, with a longer recovery time.

What to expect after?

It is normal to experience some swelling and bleeding when urinating, and you may experience discomfort for a few days. Even if you start to feel better, please keep in mind that your penis will still appear strange for at least 10 days.

Are there risks?

Circumcision issues are uncommon when performed at a registered facility. If they do occur, they are only temporary. These can include slight bleeding as well as pain and irritation. Remember that whether you are circumcised or not, your penis must be clean to avoid infections and other complications.

What are the benefits?

Circumcised men are less likely to contract or spread a sexually transmitted infection (STI), such as HIV.

Where to go?

Your local clinic is the best place to begin. If they do not provide this service, they will be able to recommend you to a facility that does.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Messagea Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).

Know The Signs: What Is A Yeast Infection?

What is a yeast infection?

A yeast infection, also known as candidiasis, is a common infection caused by a fungus called candida. Candida occurs naturally and is found in small amounts in the body. An overgrowth of this fungus is what leads to an infection.

Risk factors for an overgrowth of a yeast infection include a weakened immune system, diabetes, use of antibiotics, and warm, moist conditions.

What are the symptoms of a yeast infection?

Although yeast infections are more common in women, they can also affect men. A yeast infection causes itching, burning, and redness in the genital area. Women may also experience symptoms such as a thick, white, odourless discharge and burning pain while peeing. Men may also experience a rash or irritation on the tip of the penis and under the foreskin.

Is there anything I can do to prevent yeast infections?

Prevention is always key. There are some lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your risk of getting a yeast infection. Keep to a healthy, balanced diet, avoid sugary food, and avoid using scented hygiene products in your genital area. Wearing cotton underwear and wearing breathable clothing can also help keep your genital area dry and free from moisture. Although yeast infections occur naturally in the body, they can be passed from one partner to another through sex, so make sure to always have safe, protected sex by using condoms.

What should I do if I have a yeast infection?

Yeast infections are somewhat easy to diagnose and treat. If you think you might have a yeast infection, it’s important to visit the clinic or a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. Your healthcare provider can prescribe medication to treat the infection. Once you have been put on treatment, it’s important to complete the full treatment course, even if the symptoms go away to prevent the infection from coming back.

Yeast infections can be uncomfortable but with the proper treatment and lifestyle changes, you can reduce your risk of getting yeast infections and keep your symptoms under control.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Messagea Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).

How to deal with anxiety

Anxiety is a typical human reaction to stressful situations, but when it persists for an extended period, it can seriously lower your quality of life. It’s important to understand that you’re not alone if you’re struggling with anxiety and that there are resources available to help you manage it. The following are a few helpful tips for handling anxiety that you can apply.

Practice self-care

Self-care can help in lowering stress and anxiety. Make time for some of your interests such as reading, applying makeup, or doing yoga; these activities can help you feel relaxed and contribute to a wonderful day.

Challenge negative thoughts

Negative thoughts can intensify worry, but you can counter them by examining how true they are and considering different perspectives on the circumstances you find yourself in. It will be a little easier for you to practice self-compassion once you have contested these thoughts.

Start exercising

Exercise is important for both your physical and mental health since it decreases worry and increases confidence. You can pick activities that you enjoy doing so that you look forward to them.

Get enough sleep

A key part of managing anxiety is sleep. To get a good night’s sleep, it’s important to get both quality and quantity. Healthcare providers advise getting 7 to 8 hours a night, but if anxiety is keeping you up at night, set up a sleep routine that includes:

  • Turning off the TV and your phone at least an hour before bed.
  • Try to go to bed at the same time every night.
  • Ensure that your bed is cozy.

Caffeinated products are not always good for you.

Caffeine and alcohol should be avoided as they both increase anxiety. If you can, reduce your intake of them or avoid them altogether. Keep in mind that energy drinks also contain caffeine in addition to coffee and soda beverages.

Practice gratitude

Focusing on the good aspects of your life can help you change how you view life in general and can help you feel less anxious. Spend a few minutes every day listing the things for which you are grateful, including your family, friends, career, school, and everything else that helps you find meaning in your life.

Seek professional help

Consider seeking assistance from a qualified expert if your anxiety is extreme, interfering with your everyday life, or you believe you cannot deal. An individual treatment plan that is most suited to your needs can be created with the assistance of a mental health specialist.

Even though you’re feeling anxious, you can still overcome it. Chomas, anxiety doesn’t need to define you or prevent you from living.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message,  an  Instagram message, a  Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).

The Painful Reality: How To Deal With Cheating

Being cheated on is an awful experience and how you handle it can have an impact on your process of healing and moving forward. Cheating can lead to a lot of emotions like, doubt, confusion, and anxiety. Understanding and processing your feelings is an essential part of the process of healing from this type of hurt and betrayal. If both you and your partner want to take the necessary steps to move forward from the cheating, it can be done, but it’s going to require some effort and patience. Here are a few ways to deal with cheating:

Work through your feelings

You’ll likely experience different emotions as you process what happened, for example, it’s normal to feel disappointed and betrayed after an infidelity, so take a moment to recognize that this is ok. Getting over infidelity follows the usual stages of grief which are shock; denial; anger; bargaining; depression and eventually acceptance. Suppressing your emotions will not help but rather work through them by being gentle on yourself, allowing you to heal with time.

Don’t blame yourself

It’s too easy to blame yourself for what happened, but you’re not responsible for what your partner did. Dwelling on harsh self-criticism and self-blame delays the healing process; rather than finding fault within yourself or obsessing over what might have been or couldn’t have, remember that it is not your fault.

Don’t be afraid to reach out for help

If you want to move forward after being cheated on don’t be afraid to reach out to those around you for support and comfort. Being cheated on by your partner can make you feel alone and isolated, so it is good to surround yourself with people who care about you and your well-being like your friends and family. This will make your healing process a whole lot better.

Decide if want to rebuild trust

 When a partner is unfaithful it is a serious breach of your trust, and it is something that indicates that this person is not faithful. It is normal for people to make bad choices and if they are truly sorry and can make amends, it will show in their actions. Forgiveness can also play a huge role in having a better relationship but if you cannot trust them again, the relationship is doomed to fail.

Seek help from a professional

Dealing with cheating on your own is difficult enough and it can also be a challenge for you and your partner to work through this process on your own. Rather seek the help of a counsellor or therapist who deals with infidelity issues. A counsellor can help you work through your emotions, have more constructive conversations with both of you, and give you strategies to move forward.

Even after infidelity, if both parties do their work in the process of healing, relationships can end up being restored and stronger than before.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, an  Instagram message, a  Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).