4 small ways you can stand up for the youth

As young people, we face challenges daily. Although these can make you feel helpless because they are often difficult to deal with, there are small things we can do to make a change. Here are 4 small ways you can stand up for young people.

Speak out

Even though you may not be able to change things yourself, speaking out about issues faced by the youth can help. Raising our voices about injustices can bring awareness and through this, we can find solutions and force those who have the power to make changes, to do so. You can speak out by joining platforms that encourage you to use your voice whether it’s in your community, school, campus or social media.

Support campaigns online

Online campaigns, like petitions can bring about change if lots of people sign them. When decision-makers are made aware that a majority of people are unhappy, they are forced to do something about it. So, don’t be afraid to stand up for what you believe in online. Just remember that your beliefs should, in no way, hurt someone else or infringe on their rights.

Support youth-focused organisations

Join organisations in your community that focus on youth issues. Volunteering at places like feeding schemes, shelters and other upliftment initiatives can make a huge difference not just in your community, but in your life as well.

Encourage your loved ones to get involved

Ask your friends and family members to get involved by supporting online platforms that focus on youth issues. It’s also good to educate those around you on issues that affect young people. It’s our responsibility to show the people we care about how certain issues affect us and how to not be offensive on social media.

We can’t all make a career out of activism, and that’s okay. As long as we use the platform and voice that we’re given to make a difference in the small way that we can, that is enough. Remember to shout out and celebrate anyone you know who is making a difference on social media and share them with me.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Messagea Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).