5 common misconceptions about men 

Being a man is often associated with a lot of stereotypes like “men are strong” or “they don’t cry”. Most of the time, these assumptions are based on generalisations (a general statement without concrete evidence), and most of the time they are not true. Here are 5 misconceptions about men: 

They all cheat

It’s often assumed that all men are cheaters or they are incapable of committing to one partner. That is not true. Cheating is not part of men’s DNA and they are not “wired” that way. People who cheat are those who are not committed to a relationship – whether male or female.

They always want sex

Many people believe that men are always aroused and they want sex all the time. This is not true. There are guys who want a relationship that involves an emotional connection above a physical one.

They can’t express their feelings

Unlike women, men are expected to be tough as rocks and not express their feelings because emotions are considered a “feminine” trait. Men have feels, but ideas like these often force them to bottle up how they feel or express how they feel in an unhealthy way. This is why it’s important to challenge gender stereotypes and fight for men to express themselves freely, without any judgement. 

They have no feelings 

Many women may experience heartbreak in relationships and sometimes people claim that it’s because women are more emotional and men are cold or heartless. There are some men, just as there are some women, who are not looking for a deep emotional relationship. If you find yourself with a guy like that, don’t excuse it by saying “he’s a man, he doesn’t feel anything”. Rather decide to be with someone who will respect your feelings and return your feelings of love and affection. Trust me, there are those guys out there. 

They don’t experience pressure

Men have to stick to strange notions of masculinity, like not showing their emotions while also being overprotective by playing the protector role (because they are “stronger”). Even the saying “be a man” is a form of pressure on males – something they experience from a young age. 

“Masculinity” is becoming an outdated idea and we’re starting to see men as nurturers, people with emotions and people who should also be allowed to shape themselves however they want to without giving in to the pressure to “be a man”.  However, these misconceptions that we still have make progress slow for many men and women around the world. Not only are they false, but they also cause people to miss out on the opportunity to form meaningful bonds. 

Do you know of any other misconceptions about men that you’d like to tell me about? Let me know in the comments below.

In the meantime, if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).