5 festive season health risks

In the spirit of merry and all things jolly, the festive season often means we over indulge. If you are not careful it can be very unhealthy.

Here are 5 things that can do damage to your health during the festive season. 


Festive gatherings always tend to centre on the food and it’s difficult to pass up the tasty treats. Before you know it you’re eating up a storm and putting on weight. As far as possible try and limit your food portions as well as your sugar and fat intake. 


If you didn’t already know, the sugar content in juices and cool drinks add to your kilo count. Drink more water instead and you’ll be better off. Remember alcohol can also add to your waistline. Chomas, if you are under age you should not be drinking alcohol.

Drinking too much alcohol, can make you take risks that you otherwise would not. You could drive drunk and end up in an accident or you could have unprotected sex and catch a STI (sexually transmitted infection) or even fall pregnant. 

Having unprotected sex

Sometimes when you are in a festive mood (or have had too much alcohol) you can throw all caution out the window. You then end up having sex with someone you hardly know and even worse, you have unprotected sex. If you are going to sleep with someone make sure you use a condom. Again, you don’t want to fall pregnant or get an STI. 

Getting high

Festive season is silly season and you can get up to all sorts of mischief, including popping pills, snorting coke or smoking weed. Sure you’ll get high but you’re causing more harm than good to your body in the long run. If you are in a drugged state and not in your right senses, people can easily take advantage of the situation and harm you. If you are injecting drugs and sharing needles you could be at risk of contracting HIV. You might also want to cut down on the cigarettes as well. Continued smoking can cause heart disease and cancer. 

Skipping gym

Of course its holiday time and the last thing you want to think about is exercise. Not exercising and only eating is bound to make you rounder over the festive period. If you are not at the gym, you can still keep active. You can take the stairs instead of the elevator or take an afternoon walk in the park. Even a vigorous tidy up of your house can help burn off fat.

Keep healthy and safe during your festive break. Happy holidays!