5 healthy habits to adopt this summer

Summer is in full swing! All the sunshine, warm weather, and outdoor activities gives us the nudge we need to adopt new healthy habits. Here are my 5 habits to adopt this summer.

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is a must, particularly in the hot summer months. One simple way is to replace sugary, alcoholic, or caffeinated drinks with water. Consider getting yourself a re-usable water bottle that you can fill up and take around with you, anywhere you go. If you find it difficult to drink water alone, try adding lemon, cucumber and other fruits for some natural flavour and a vitamin boost.

Apply sunscreen

Those bright sun rays may feel great, but they can damage your skin if you’re not careful. Apply sunscreen on any exposed skin, including your scalp, ears, and neck. Treat your lips with balm that includes SPF. Remember to re-apply your sunscreen throughout the day.

Enjoy the outdoors

Whether you like swimming, walking, jogging, gardening, or practicing yoga, there are plenty of ways to get outside and get moving. In addition to the health benefits of regular exercise, spending time outdoors has been shown to improve mental health, boost mood, lower blood pressure, and more. So get active, Choma!

Eat healthier

It’s important to take care of our bodies and try to eat clean. Be mindful of the food you eat and how it reacts with your body. Eating clean can be as simple as replacing takeaways with homemade food, drinking less sugar, as well as cutting down on alcohol and smoking.

Be more present

The biggest gift we can each give ourselves is the gift of being more present, engaged and connected with each other. This can be as simple as practicing mindful meditation, creating a routine and reducing your screen time (the time you spend in front of phone or computer screens).

Know when to take a break

All that fun in the sun can be taxing on your body. Be sure to take breaks from the heat every now and then to avoid heat-related illnesses, including heat exhaustion and heat rash.

The benefit of  having some time off these holidays is that you can create better habits for yourself, and treat your body and mind better. What other healthy habits will you be adopting this summer? Share them with me in the comments below!

Remember, if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send a Facebook message or a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).