5 Human Rights activists you should know about

Human rights activism is important in society. Activism helps create awareness and drive change. Many young people have advocated for LGBTQIA, child labour and other civil rights throughout the world. Here are a few of them that you should know about. 

Franchesca Ramsey 

Image via Instagram 

Franchesca is a comedian, actress, and activist who is not afraid to speak out about social issues like racism, sexism or pop-culture. She believes that online activism is the future because the internet is like a small meeting place for every activist to share, teach and make changes in different communities. 

Zanele Muholi  

Image via wunc org

Zanale Muholi is a South African visual activist who uses videos and photography to highlight South Africa’s LGBTQIA community and the challenges they continue to face. In that regard, she also tries to create awareness about LGBTQIA rights. 

Anoyara Khatun 

Image via Global Citizen 

Anoyara is a hero for many girls. As a former child slave, she has dedicated her life to save other young girls from going through what she did by raising awareness in her village about child-trafficking. She has also rescued over 180 child-trafficking victims and reunited them with their families. 

Tarana Burke 

Image via Instagram 

Tarana is the founder of the #MeToo movement and a proud women’s activist who has spent decades fighting for young women who have suffered abuse and are afraid to speak out. 

Her campaign, #MeToo, blew up on social media and encouraged women from all walks of life to stand up for themselves and speak out about abuse by sharing their stories of sexual assault and rape.

Blair Imani  

Image via Instagram 

Imani Blair is a 26 year old feminist and activist who supports and advocates for equal rights for women through the power of media. She uses storytelling to promote her activism though her platform, Equality for Her and her book, Modern Herstory. 

Being an activist doesn’t just mean that you have to hold protests, take to the streets or get the government to sign your petition. Sometimes it’s as simple as creating awareness around something you’re passionate about using the platforms you have. As you can see from the ladies above, who use art, writing, photography and even comedy to drive their activism, activism simply starts with the decision to stand up for what’s right. Everything falls into place after that. So if you want to become an activist but don’t know how: start where you are, with what you have. It’s as simple as retweeting or sharing a post on social media, or even speaking to you friends about something you want to create an awareness around.

Do you see yourself being an activist? You can tell me all about them here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).