5 Instant Mood Boosters

Every once in a while we all need a bit of a pick-me-up, especially if we’ve had a long day or something happened to upset our mood. If you need something to brighten up your mood or just to put a smile on your face, here are five instant mood boosters to get you started.

Put on your favourite song

We all have that one song that always lifts our spirits, either because it makes us want to dance or because it reminds us of something special (or both!). Think about which song instantly gives you energy and play it. Or better yet, why not listen to a whole playlist of your favourite songs?

Contact someone you love

Pick up your phone and send a “I appreciate you” message to someone who is close to you. No doubt they will send a message of appreciation and love right back. There’s nothing better than hearing kind and loving words from someone who means it. Feeling appreciated will definitely make you feel better.

Take a Walk

Choma, did you know that sun exposure can actually lighten up your mood – even if the weather is overcast? So to boost your mood, soak some Vitamin D into your skin. Take a walk with your friend or, if it’s safe to, take a walk alone around your neighbourhood. A quick walk outdoors might just be the boost you need.

Give someone a hug

Is one of your favourite people (your partner, sibling, parent, friend, cousin or grandma) next to you? Why not go up to them and give them one of your warmest hugs? When you hug someone you’re close to, your body releases oxytocin – which is the “love” hormone. This will make you feel calmer, safer and more content. So if you have that someone close to you, give them a hug.

Tell yourself something positive

How can you turn the situation into a positive? By finding a positive perspective. You can tell yourself “Yes this happened but at least I’m still… (Fill in the blank with something positive)”. Or you could just look in the mirror and tell yourself positive things about yourself – about how strong, brave, confident or kind you are.


Don’t let a bad day or a bad moment spoil your whole mood Choma. Focus on positive energy so that the negative doesn’t way you down. Of course Choma, at the end of the day, this advice applies to a situation where your mood is down about something that’s not very serious or can be overcome easily. However, if you’re in a situation where something has happened to you and it is traumatizing or if you’ve been feeling down for a long time, it’s best to speak to a counselor in your school/college or community or call one of the following numbers:

The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) 24hr Helpline: 0800 12 13 14

Lifeline 24 Hour Counselling Number: 011 422 4242 or 0861 322 322

Also remember that if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).