5 pages to follow to help boost your self-love

Loving yourself requires a lot of inner work and commitment. It’s about putting your happiness and well-being first in order to develop and set boundaries with yourself and those around you. While this can be a challenge at first, it does help to have people that you can use as positive examples of what it means to love yourself. Here are 5 pages to follow on social media that can help you do just that.

Ellie Halo 

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Ellie is a self-love coach and author, who’s all about overcoming self-doubt and becoming your best self. Ellie posts personal pics, quotes and practical tips to help you get to where you need to be mentally.

Alexandra Elle

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Follow Alexa for some positive affirmations that will help you prioritise loving yourself. She posts notes that will help you affirm yourself each day and let go of toxic behaviours that get in the way of self-love.

The Self Love Fix

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Beatrice is a self-love teacher who uses her Instagram and podcast to teach women how to accept their flaws, deal with trauma and love themselves despite hardships they’ve gone through.

Yasmine Cheyenne

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Yasmine is a mother and writer who talks about everything that affects self-image and confidence – from acne, to weight and relationships. She creates frequent IGTV videos that help her followers set boundaries and have better relationships with themselves and others.

Advocate of Self-love

Image via Instagram

Follow Advocate of self-love on Instagram and witness her journey of self-acceptance, while also being inspired to love and take better care of yourself. Her page is full of positive affirmations and sayings to boost your self-esteem.

The kind of content you see on social media can have a negative or positive impact on how you view yourself. That’s why it’s important to be mindful of what floods your timeline. Let your social media pages be a source of inspiration and add to your journey of loving yourself more each day, especially during these difficult times.

Remember if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Messagea Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).