5 Reasons Your Sexual Health is Important

Your sexual reproductive health is a very important part of your overall health choma. Sexual Reproductive Health is so much more than just knowing about pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection (STIs).  To break it down, here’s a definition of ‘sexual health’ according to the World Health Organisation (WHO):

Sexual health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality.

So it’s not just about what happens to your body during sex, but also about how you take care of your body and your personal wellbeing. Everyone needs to take care of their sexual health choma, and there is nothing to be ashamed of by taking care of yours. Here are 5 reasons why.

It’s part of taking care of your overall health

We only have one body and everything about what we do with it is connected. Have you ever noticed how when you’re stressed you sometimes get ill too? In addition to causing illness, stress can also lead to sexual reproductive health issues. For example choma, one of the causes of vaginal yeast infections is stress. Your diet can also affect your sexual reproductive health, so make sure you eat healthily and also get plenty of exercise. 

The more you know, the more informed your choices

Being in control of your sexual health is particularly important when it comes to your future. This is because it allows you to make informed decisions about things like family planning and condom use,as well as the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV. When you’re in control of your sexual health choma, you’re in control of the choices you make. You understand the risks when it comes to sex and also the right precautions to take.

It helps give you a healthier perspective on sex 

Your sexual choices are your own choma. At the end of the day, any decision you make should be something that you’re comfortable with emotionally and physically. Sexual health is not just about your physical health, but about your mental and emotional health too. Understanding more about sex, your sexuality, how to protect yourself sexually and about the way your body works, puts you in a better position to make choices that feel right for you. When you make choices about your sexual health that feel right for you, sex becomes something that you understand better and helps you strengthen your relationship with yourself and with your partner..

You’ll know better in the bedroom

Not knowing what’s healthy and what’s harmful in the bedroom can put you at risk.. Taking the time to understand your sexual health will help you understand how to better take care of yourself and your body.. When you are empowered and understand what’s right for you and what’s harmful to your wellbeing and to your health, it’s harder for someone to manipulate you into doing something you’re not comfortable with. Choma, don’t forget that it will also be easier for you to communicate with your partner about what you want in the bedroom and what you expect from your sexual partner, from a physical and emotional perspective.

You’ll learn more about your rights

Did you know that you have sexual reproductive rights choma? Did you know that you have rights that protect your body and your wellbeing? Part of learning more about sexual health includes understanding your rights when it comes to your body and the rights of others when it comes to theirs. Knowing your rights also helps you understand sexuality and the fact that no one can discriminate against you based on your sexual orientation or preferences. Also, you have the right to say no to anything that you are not comfortable with. To learn more about your sexual rights choma, read this article here.


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