5 tips for vaginal health

Your vagina is sensitive and if not properly taken care of, it can lead to infections. There are a lot of myths about how to take care of your vagina, but these can comprise your health. Knowing the right way to take care of your vagina can help you maintain it. I’ve put together 5 tips to help you..

Keep it dry

Wipe your vagina dry after peeing and don’t wear damp underwear. If it happens that your underwear gets wet, you are at risk of vaginal infections and this can leave your vagina smelling bad.

Don’t wear pads/tampons for too long

With normal blood flow, you need to change your pad/tampon after every 4-6 hours, and with a heavy flow, you need to change it after 3-4 hours. This is important because if you wear a pad/tampon for too long, you might suffer from toxic shock syndrome or other vaginal infections. This can also cause a rash or bad odour.

Wear cotton underwear

Cotton underwear assists the vagina to stay dry by allowing air to flow in and out. This can help reduce the chances of you getting infected with a yeast infection, because of the reduced moisture. And prevents it from any bad smell. Other materials can cause your vagina to itch

Practice safe sex

Having unprotected sex puts you at risk of STIs, that’s why it’s best to use a condom when you have sex. But before using any kind of condom, you need to check if you are allergic to the material of your chosen condom.

Look out for infections

Take care of your vagina by paying attention to it  so that you can identify what’s normal and what’s not. This  will let you know if there’s something wrong and you can pick up early signs of vaginal infections.  Which will give you the opportunity to go and get tested and treated if you suspect that you might be suffering from a vaginal infection.

Remember not to use soap when washing your vagina because it can cause irritation. Wash with plain water and avoid using scented feminine hygiene products. If you experience anything that you are not sure of, don’t hesitate to go for sexual health screenings at your nearest clinic, doctor or gynaecologist.

Remember if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Messagea Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).