5 ways to boost your confidence

Confidence is believing in your own capabilities without needing constant reassurance from others. When you’re confident, you are clear about your boundaries and have a good sense of self-worth. If your confidence has taken a knock and needs a boost, here are 5 simple tips.

Positive self-talk

We all have internal conversations with ourselves and whether we like to admit it or not, we can be pretty harsh towards ourselves. This is not healthy, Choma, and if you want to become more confident, you’re going to have to start being careful about how you speak to yourself. Be kinder to yourself and make it a point to practice positive affirmations on a daily basis.

Practice confidence daily

People don’t just become confident over night, it’s something we need to practice. Think about what it would be like to be more confident and then make a daily effort to behave that way. You could also take on a new challenge, like public speaking or debating, which will require you to put yourself out there and help you become more confident in your abilities.

Be around people who are for you

Be around people who support and love you as you are. People who are truly for you will motivate you, celebrate you, and hold you accountable when necessary. Being around people who value you will definitely boost your confidence, sense of belonging and self-worth. Remember, this doesn’t mean that you should depend on other people for validation, you will always be responsible for validating yourself. However, it helps to have people who want the best for you around you so that they can remind you of your worth when you stumble.

Embrace failure

The truth is, we all fail at something at some point in our lives, and this can really affect the way we feel about ourselves. However, it’s important to remember that being confident doesn’t mean that you’re not afraid to fail. It means that you allow yourself to get scared, but you keep going anyway and if things don’t go your way, you’re able to make peace with that and try again.

Work on your skills

Figure out what you’re good at and work on that. Shifting your focus to the things you’re good at, will remind you that you have something to offer, which can really build your confidence and at the same time, harness your skills.

Sometimes it can be hard to believe in yourself, especially because the world has unrealistic expectations of how or what we should be. However, you can defy those expectations by loving yourself loudly and unapologetically. Remember, being confident is not about perfection. It’s all about being yourself without comparison or feeling like you’re lesser because of your unique traits. Confident people ask for help when they need it and are able to admit when they don’t know something or if they’re struggling.

Remember if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Messagea Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).