5 ways you can promote gender-equal activism

A gender-equal society is something we should all be striving for because gender inequality affects all of us. However, in order to reach this goal, we have to work together. So, here are 5 ways that we can all promote gender equality.

Acknowledge male privilege

Male privilege is men (and boys) having certain things made easier for them than for women simply because they are male. Women, on the other hand, are more prone to be exposed to traumatic experiences (such as rape, abuse and even murder) and discrimination (like not being put in positions of leadership) simply because they are women. Instead of downplaying that male privilege exists (or saying that female privilege also exists), we should all rather challenge discrimination and work together towards changing it so that women can have the same opportunities as men.  

Show solidarity

Standing together and fighting for the same goal gives us a bigger chance of success than working against or competing with each other. In order to promote gender equality, we should stand in solidarity and support each other. 

Strive for inclusivity

Gender equality is also about inclusivity. In our quest to promote gender equality, we should not forget those who are often discriminated against for their gender and sexuality, the LGBTQIA+ community. Gender equality means equality for everyone. 

Challenge toxic masculinities

Toxic masculinity should be challenged because it puts pressure on men to be ‘tough” all the time when it shouldn’t be that way. Promoting gender equality means acknowledging that men are also human and it’s totally okay for them to express their emotions in a healthy way. 

Help transform power dynamics

Some people (especially men) might not be so keen on female empowerment, out of the fear that they might lose their privilege and in turn be discriminated against. But women having access to power means that we are only balancing the inequality scale – which means all genders get to benefit and contribute to the economy, positively. 

Everyone has the right to be treated equally, regardless of their gender or background. But in order for equality to be reached, it’s important that we work together to fight gender inequality.

What do you think Choma, can we achieve equality? Let me know in the comments. 

Also, remember if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).