Having to deal with an itchy vagina can be very uncomfortable and embarrassing to talk about. Whether you’ve experienced it before or not, here are 6 possible reasons why you’re itching.
Yeast Infection
Candida is a common yeast infection that can lead to fungal infections. Our bodies have a small amount of it and it gets triggered by any slight changes in the vagina. When the balance of acidity and bacteria in the vagina is thrown off, candida can multiply and cause itching and unhealthy vaginal discharge.
Sensitive Skin
The vagina is a delicate and sensitive part of our body, and the skin can be irritated by almost anything. If the itch is mostly external (outside the vagina), then it’s possible for the itch to be caused by ingrown hair (from shaving) or the use of scented vaginal products like pads or soaps, for example.
Bacterial Vaginosis
Things like douching, feminine products or shaving creams can kill your good vaginal bacteria, which increases the likelihood of getting infections like Bacterial Vaginosis. This means your body won’t be able to fight off infections on its own, and that may lead to itching and discomfort.
Skin condition
Skin conditions like eczema are very uncomfortable because they usually cause dry skin, peeling and a lot of itching. So if you notice any dry, peeling and/or itchy patches around your vaginal area, it’s likely to be due to a skin condition more than anything else. You’d have to visit your nearest healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment options.
Stress can be good and stress can be bad for you, either way, it can mess up your hormonal balance. This hormonal imbalance can affect your vagina. (because stress can also affect your menstrual cycle) But don’t worry, you can prevent this by managing your stress levels) by applying stress-relieving techniques (like meditating or exercising). However, even if you suspect stress to be the culprit of your itchiness, rather go to your healthcare provider to make sure it isn’t anything serious.
Your underwear
Certain underwear can cause itchiness, especially if it’s made of certain material. Although lace underwear is pretty, it doesn’t allow your skin to breathe – causing warmth and moisture. This can cause discomfort and itching. Same goes for tight underwear. Rather opt for comfortable, cotton underwear whenever you can. Also remember to change your underwear after you’ve been sweating (like after a workout or really hot day) – the warmth and moisture caused by sweating won’t only cause itching but infections too.
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
If you’re sexually active you might want to also consider an STI as a possible cause for your vaginal itch, especially if you don’t think the previously stated reasons apply. Chlamydia, genital herpes, gonorrhoea, and trichomoniasis all have itching as a common symptom.
It’s absolutely important that we understand our body and how it reacts to the environment. Sometimes your vaginal health can be disturbed by other factors you didn’t expect and that’s okay! When you keep yourself educated about your sexual health, you’ll almost always know what to do when something goes wrong.
If you’re worried that your itch cannot be explained by the reasons above, please visit your nearest healthcare provider to get the relevant help that you need.
Remember, if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).