7 Ways to rock that holiday job

So you managed to snag yourself a holiday job. Here’s how to make the most of the opportunity and what not to do.

Whether it’s stocking supermarket shelves, waiting on tables, working as a retail assistant or handing out pamphlets at robots, holiday jobs are a great way to earn some cash. Play your cards right and you may be able to secure a regular gig and learn some valuable lessons along the way.

Here’s how to make the most if your holiday job: 

Make a good first impression.

Show up on time, make sure your hands and nails are clean and neat, smell nice – but not in an overpowering way, don’t wear too much make-up and smile! 

Learn people’s names.

From the boss to your colleagues, greet everyone with a handshake and a smile and learn their names as soon as possible. You will probably need their help at some point. 

Ask questions.

Don’t nod and smile and pretend you understand what to do if you don’t. It’s completely normal to ask questions at a new job so ask them and remember the answers. Just make sure “What’s my staff discount?” isn’t your first question. 

Work hard.

Just because it’s a holiday job or boring work, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t put your all into it. If you’re stocking shelves, be the best shelf stocker ever. Hand out all those pamphlets with a smile – don’t just dump them in the rubbish bin. Employers don’t promote lazy workers and they certainly don’t give them a job next holiday season. 

Be friendly and helpful to customers.

We all know that customers can be rude and unreasonable. But if your job is to assist them you need to plaster a smile on your face and be polite and helpful. When it gets tough, play a game with yourself to see how many customers you can make smile. It will make your day go by quicker. 

Save your money.

Try to save as much of your wages as you can. Sure, some of it will go to boosting your social life, but try to put the rest away for those rainy days. 

Stay in contact with the company.

Once the holidays are over and you go back to school or varsity, make sure you keep in touch with your boss or colleagues. Hook up on social media and make sure they don’t forget about come next holiday period.

Do you have a holiday job? Tell us about it in the comments.