8 ways to be intimate with your partner without sex

What is intimacy? Intimacy is about being emotionally close to your partner, where you let yourself become vulnerable with your partner and let him/her know how you honestly feel. There are many ways you can be intimate with your partner without having sex. If you’re not ready to have sex or feel like you need more than sex to connect with your partner, there are other ways to making your relationship meaningful. Here are 8 ways you can create true intimacy without having sex.

Hold hands

Holding hands with your partner is so underrated chomas! Connect with your partner with your hands by gently playing with fingers, lightly brush the skin and end off by kissing the tips of your partner’s fingers. Explore your partner’s hands with yours and connect with your partner without saying a word.

Exercise together

You won’t believe this but exercise actually puts you in a vulnerable position. Why? It’s an opportunity where you get to see each other’s flaws. For example, your partner might notice that you are not as fit as they might have thought. You revealing that to your partner means you are very brave. This is an opportunity to really be intimate and get fit at the same time! A couple that exercises together, stays together. If you are worried about how to introduce the idea of exercising together to your partner, try saying something like”

“I want to start running but I get lonely and bored quickly if I don’t have a partner. Would you like to start running with me?”

This is a great way to have fun together because you get to see each other’s vulnerable sides while getting fit!

Stare into each other’s eyes

Have you ever heard of the saying, “Eyes are the windows to your soul.”? The meaning of these words is that by looking into the eyes of a person, you can see their hidden emotions, attitudes and thoughts. Through the expression in your eyes, you can communicate your feelings to your partner. When you try and avoid eye contact, maybe because you’re embarrassed or shy, you miss out on a lot of chances to show your partner how much they mean to you without speaking a single word.

Nap together

There are a lot of benefits to napping, such as waking up more refreshed and relaxed while being physically close to your partner. Get comfortable by snuggling in each other’s arms and just relax. Napping can also help you feel safe and cared for because there is someone cuddling you and keeping you warm. Think of napping as being intimate without having sex.

Talk about how you first met

Talking about how you both first met might bring back fun memories and remind you why you both ended up together and how far you have both grown as a couple.

SMS each other during the day

Send your partner fun and flirty messages and let them know that you’re thinking about them.

Go on dates and spoil your partner

When was the last time you went out for a picnic with just you and your partner? Spoil your partner and show them that they matter to you and they hold your heart. You can cook a special lunch/dinner, write them a cute love letter or help them with their chores. However you decide spoil him/her, just make sure your partner knows how much you care. We sometimes forget that it’s the simplest things that are most fun and create the most intimacy.

Communication will make that connection

You are not a mind reader, neither is your partner. You need to communicate your needs if you feel like they are not being met. Talking about your needs is important, and so is listening to your partner’s needs– it goes both ways right chomas? When you communicate with your partner, make sure you give each other as much attention as possible. So no TV, magazine, phone, etc, when talking to bae as that might distract you from connecting. Communication is a very important part of intimacy.

Creating intimacy outside of the bedroom will help you connect with your partner. If you feel like you are not connecting with your partner, speak up chomas! Take action to reconnect. Do you have any other ideas on how to create intimacy without having sex? Share them in the comments below.