Are you at a higher risk of contracting HIV?

Being sexually active has its risks. Whether you have unprotected sex for the first time or after many times, all puts you at risk. Remember chomas, it only takes one time of unprotected sex to be at risk of contracting HIV, or another sexually transmitted illness, or become pregnant. Whether you’re in a long term relationship or having casual relationships with guys older than you or your age, know the risks. Here’s a quick quiz to see the risks.  

Don’t worry, this quiz is confidential so no one will know your answers, this is just for you to ask yourself some questions. Please also know that this does not replace going to your nearest clinic and getting tested. It’s important for you to get tested regularly and get screened by your healthcare worker.  


How many sexual partners have you had in the last year?

  1. None
  2. A few
  3. Lots  

Do you date mostly boys your own age, or older men

  1. I like guys my age, we have more in common 
  2. I like a bit of both, it’s more about the person
  3. I like the thrill of sugar daddies, they make me feel grown up and sexy  

Do you use condoms?

  1. Always
  2. Sometimes
  3. Never  

Have you ever had an STI or STD?

  1. Never
  2. Once but it was treated quickly
  3. Yes  

Have you ever taken an HIV test?

  1. Yes
  2. Once
  3. Never  

Do you drink or take drugs?

  1. No
  2. Sometimes
  3. Yes  

Your Answers

Mostly A’s  

You are at a lower risk. Either you’re in a steady relationship with one sexual partner or have had very few, maybe even none. Plus, you’re responsible with your sexual health and practice safe sex. Keep it up, choma, you’re taking good care of yourself and safeguarding your future.  

Mostly B’s   

You are responsible, but you also take a few risks. Remember, having an STI such as syphilis or gonorrhea also increases your chance of contracting HIV and AIDs. Be safe and take good care of yourself. Remember to get tested regularly and always use a condom. Alcohol and drugs also impair your judgement so may make you behave more irresponsibly, everything should be in moderation.  

Mostly C’s  

Choma, I have to be honest, you’re taking a big risk with your life. Having multiple sexual partners is a risky business, even more so when you don’t always use protection. When it comes to dating older guys, studies have shown that single older men are more likely to have multiple sexual partners, increasing the risk of contracting HIV. Take charge of your life and make responsible choices, and remember, to get tested regularly at your local clinic.