Be your own sugar daddy

As much as sugar daddies are frowned upon, we totally get the appeal. They spoil you with nice things. They drive you around. They make you feel special. Maybe they even contribute financially to your household. And you’re proud to be their arm candy. But we don’t need to tell you the downsides of having a relationship with a sugar daddy (unwanted pregnancy, HIV, STIs, broken hearts …). Wouldn’t it be great if you could get the perks of a sugar daddy without the risks? Here’s how:

1. Get your own nice things.

Now we’re not fools. If you could afford your own cell phone and accessories you wouldn’t date a sugar daddy in the first place. But what if you could get them on your own? 

  • Enter radio, SMS and social media competitions to win everything from concert tickets, phones and data to hampers and shopping sprees. 
  • Get a part-time job or side hustle, and fund your own material goods. Nothing feels quite as satisfying as earning your own moolah. 
  • Get swapping. From books and music, to clothes and accessories, swap with your friends to keep you looking fresh – for free! 

2. Enjoy public transport.

Yes you heard us. Use taxi time to catch up with chomas, listen to new music or read a mag. If you need more benefits, check it:

  • Public transport makes you fitter. Obvious. 
  • You meet new people. Make it fun by snapping their pic for your blog or social media. 
  • You can focus on your day. Collect your thoughts and make a To Do list.

3. Find true love.

Often we’re attracted to a sugar daddy because he makes us feel special and loved. Hate to break it to you chomas, but most of the time it’s not true love and it won’t last. Here’s where you can find the real deal:

  • Yourself. Learning to love yourself, flaws and all is the best feeling in the world. 
  • Your family. No one knows you like they do, or has your best interests at heart quite like them. Draw strength from this bond! It will last a lifetime. 
  • Guys your own age. You are only young once so why the hurry to grow up? Enjoy flirting and friendship with boys your own age. 

4. Get a role model or mentor.

Now you might think a sugar daddy is wise and smart because he is older but most of the time he is a confused, selfish child in the body of a man. If it’s inspiration and wisdom you seek, look here: 

  • A pastor or community leader you trust. 
  • A family member you admire. 
  • A local celeb who is strong, successful and smart. 
  • An older choma from your community who is where you want to be. Be strong chomas.

As attractive as a sugar daddy may be when times are tough, we’re pretty sure he’ll only make them tougher in the end.