Being Single and Happy

Whether you’ve been single for a long time or a short while choma, you would know that there are both good and not so good things about being single. There are times when being single can be hard, especially when you’re around people who are in relationships or when you really want someone’s company. There’s nothing wrong with feeling this way choma, it’s a natural reaction we all have to being single. If you’re feeling down about being single right now, here is advice on being single and happy. 

Romance doesn’t necessarily equal happiness

One way loneliness can creep in when you’re single is if you look at your friends and think that they are better off because they are in relationships. Being single doesn’t mean that you’re worse off than your friends. Remember that just as much as you could feel lonely when you’re single, you can also feel lonely when you’re in a relationship. It all comes down to how secure you are with being yourself.

Of course there’s nothing wrong with finding a partner but you shouldn’t do it just because you feel like being with someone will make you happier. The only way you will feel happier with someone is if you have a meaningful relationship with that person. So don’t do it just because you think the grass is greener on the other side choma.

Being single doesn’t mean being alone

Whether you’re in a relationship or not, it’s important to have solid friendships choma. Enjoying the company of good friends will make you feel a lot less lonely.  You might even find that friends fill that space of loneliness that you thought a romantic relationship might fill.

Whenever you feel down about not being in a relationship, call up one of your friends or family members and spend time with them, doing things that you enjoy.

Getting to know yourself better

It may not always seem like it choma, but being single is a great way to get to know and appreciate yourself. When you’re single you shouldn’t focus on the fact that you don’t have a partner but rather focus on the fact that you have the opportunity to do and learn a lot more on your own. The key to being happy when you’re single is to embrace your freedom and independence. There’s a lot more that you can learn when you’re alone.

You should also know that being alone is perfectly normal. You shouldn’t feel like you have to be in a relationship just to fit in.

Focus on the things that you find more fulfilling like your passions, your spirituality, your education or your goals. Being single means that you have so much more time to focus on doing your own thing. Expanding your knowledge is a good way to avoid feeling lonely because let’s face it choma, sometimes loneliness might actually just be boredom.

Being single also gives you more time to learn about what you’re looking for in life. Once you learn more about yourself, your wants and your needs, it’s easier for you to express this when you do get into a relationship. Learning to appreciate yourself also means that you won’t be depending on someone else to make you happy and this would result in you having a healthier relationship when you do eventually have one.

Give yourself the time you need and the freedom you deserve to enjoy your own company and learn more about who you are and what you want. This will make you happier choma and will make you see that being single does not mean being lonely, it just means choosing not to be in a romantic relationship – and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.