Can a cheater change?

Good relationships are built on trust; where two people communicate in a healthy way and are honest with each other.  But what happens when one partner cheats and breaks that trust?  An unfaithful partner can destroy the trust that existed between two people and can also destroy a relationship. However choma, it is possible for trust to be rebuilt with effort, time and forgiveness. Part of rebuilding trust is knowing that the unfaithful partner won’t cheat again. So are there signs that an unfaithful partner can be trusted again? Here are a few choma.

You feel secure

You may notice a difference in behaviour from your partner, when you are together in private and when you are in public. For example, they may start showing more affection physically by holding your hand or hugging you more. This may be to show everyone that you are “off the market” and  to show you that they are taking the role as your partner seriously, making an effort to make you feel secure in the relationship.

You are open to talk about the cheating

Talking about the cheating and what may have triggered it could help not only you but the both of you as a couple. This is not to say it may not bring hurtful feelings, but talking about the cheating can help you heal and move forward as a couple. You can ask your partner what made them cheat or how they felt before they cheated. This can help you both identify the emotions that may have contributed to the cheating. Also, if your partner feels these emotions again, ask them to communicate these feelings to you because this may decrease the desire to cheat. Find out what their attitude is towards cheating as this may be a sign of how likely they are to cheat in the future.

You are being included in their future plans

I’m not talking about moving in together or marriage choma, but even planning to go to a concert 8 months from now shows you a sense of commitment and hope for your future as a couple. This can be another way your partner is trying to show you that they are focussed on creating a future with you in it.

They seem genuinely sorry

If your partner has sincerely asked you for forgiveness this may mean they’re admitting that their behaviour was wrong and are sorry for hurting you. Asking for forgiveness can help you heal and bring you closer together.

You are more emotionally open with each other

When your partner starts opening up to you more, this shows they trust you more and feel more secure with you. If your partner was distant and cold to you around the time they cheated, their openness with you now could be a sign of their commitment to the relationship or to take your relationship further than it had been previously. This may be a new level of intimacy that develops between the both of you choma.

Choma, change may be difficult but it is possible. It needs a lot of understanding, patience and effort from both people in the relationship. Without any commitment to change, your cheating partner may make the same mistake again. You also need to ask yourself whether he can be trusted again and if you actually want to save the relationship.

Choma, forgiving your partner may not be easy and you don’t have to rush into forgiving them until you’re ready to. Forgiveness is a process that needs to take time and it may not necessarily happen overnight and that’s OK choma. It may also take some time to trust your partner again, if you feel betrayed. To protect your health (and your partner’s), it’s also important for you and your partner to get tested for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), including HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus).

Do you have any questions about cheating and trusting your partner again? Share your story.