Can Disprin and coke terminate pregnancy?

When facing an unplanned pregnancy, you may experience feelings of distress and hopelessness. Depending on your circumstances, as well as laws and stigma surrounding termination,  home-made remedies might seem like the easiest option. These methods may include the use of Coca-Cola and Disprin. Here are the facts:

Stigma surrounding teenage pregnancy

The stigmatisation surrounding teenage pregnancy makes many of us opt for quick or unsafe procedures. Out of fear of discrimination and judgement, we may attempt home-made remedies. Stigma also encourages the use of backstreet services, which can result in serious infections, infertility and even death.

The danger of using Coke and Disprin

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), nearly 50,000 women die from unsafe termination methods. A further 1 in 4 women who use unsafe methods, are left with serious health issues. The belief that drinking this combination or douching with Coca-Cola (or soda in general) after unprotected sex can prevent pregnancy, is a myth. Not only is it ineffective in terminating pregnancy, but it can also lead to all sorts of vaginal infections when using the douching method. The sugar found in Coke can also affect the PH balance in the vagina.

An overdose of disprin can harm organs such as the kidneys and liver and is also not an effective method of termination.

You have the right to safer options

There are safer, more effective ways to terminate an unplanned pregnancy which are not harmful to your health, so it’s important to see your healthcare provider and speak about your options. You can contact me for a list of youth friendly facilities in your area.

The decision to terminate an unplanned pregnancy isn’t always an easy one and although it is your choice to make, it’s important to keep your health in mind. We have the right to seek healthcare, so we should not allow stigma to deny us access to safe, effective healthcare services. Remember, using a condom each time you have sex will protect you from unplanned pregnancy and STI/ HIV infections.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send a Facebook message or a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).