Cuffing season? Tips to protect yourself

As the weather gets colder and the days get darker, people look for comfort in a lot of ways. Some of these ways include hooking-up, situationships or even regniting an old flame. This often leads to “baby making weather”. This can be risky, so here’s some tips to protect yourself.

What is ‘Cuffing’ season

Relationships in the winter are also known as cuffing season which begins as soon as it starts getting cold and lasts until it starts to get warm. This type of relationship can end badly when people are not on the same page. One person may be invested in the relationship more than the other. Be sure that both of you have the same intention around the relationship.

If they say they’re only looking for something temporary or don’t want to commit, don’t assume they’ll eventually change their mind. To avoid heartbreak avoid committing to this type of relationship if you’re looking for something more long-term.

Don’t rush into a relationship

Dating out of loneliness or boredom leads to unhealthy relationships. Remember you can always lean on friends and family, and do activities you enjoy to help with some of that loneliness and boredom during this winter season.

Invest in yourself

Use the winter season to invest in yourself by improving your skills, catching -up on some reading time, or doing the things you like doing to distract yourself from cuffing.

Practice safe sex

Talking about sex can be uncomfortable but getting on the same page is necessary to avoid confusing or stressful situations. Remember that all hook-ups should be safe and you should consider carrying your own condoms to avoid tricky situations in the heat of the moment. Using a condom can prevent unplanned pregnancy as well as sexually transmitted infections (STIs), if used correctly.

With winter in full force, it doesn’t mean you should feel the pressure to be in a relationship and remember, just because you start a relationship during winter doesn’t mean it will last. Healthy and successful relationships are built on more than baby-making weather/cuffing. Be safe Chomas!

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send a Facebook message or a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).