Dating tips for beginners

That four letter word – love, can make you feel all sorts of highs. You can feel so in love that you lose your appetite because the love you feel just fills you up inside. There are some lows you may also experience, like when the person you are dating doesn’t answer your WhatsApp messages, which can be upsetting. Here are dating tips to handle these moments and remind you why you always come first.

Select carefully

Have you ever heard of people say that “You can’t help who you love?” Choma, that’s not true. The first person you should think of when selecting a date is…you. You need to ask yourself what you look for in a boy/girl. The best way to do that is by writing a list ahead of time so that when the opportunity to date does come around that you’ll know who not to choose.

Don’t give your trust away too easily

Before you share your secrets with the new person you’re dating, spend time getting to find out if you can trust them with your thoughts. Trust is earned by someone who consistently shows you what their true character is choma. If they keep their promises, are honest and act respectfully towards you and your loved ones, then she/he is likely to be trustworthy.

Date someone who’s genuinely interested in you

If you have shown interest in someone and they haven’t shown the same interest then it can make you feel sad or start questioning your worth choma. If the person you are interested in doesn’t show the same feelings then that’s fine choma. A healthy relationship is where both people respect and like each other. So move on, learn from this and know that there’s nothing wrong with you, you just haven’t met your match yet.

Understand that your first love may not be your last

Be careful of this “happily ever after” idea choma. The first person you date may not necessarily be your last(ing) love. As much as you are still getting to know yourself, understand that in a relationship there are still things about people within a relationship that you are still getting to unravel. And, if you find out certain things about the other person that you don’t like, then it’s perfectly OK to end it. You don’t owe the person you are dating anything, you owe yourself real happiness. You always come first, never forget that.

Don’t feel pressurised

If at any time you feel pressure to do anything, like have unprotected sex or not go out with friends, just know that that’s not normal. Before you get to date someone, know what you stand for and what you will or won’t accept in the relationship. That way you you’ll make more positive decisions when you do feel pressure to change.

Know the risks of unprotected sex

Every action has a reaction choma. Understand that unsafe sex may lead to contracting Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and/or pregnancy. If you suspect that the person you are dating doesn’t show any interest in condom usage, then they are not mature enough to do the deed choma. It only takes one time to be infected by an STI or become pregnant. To better understand the correct use of condoms, read here.

If your friends have started dating and you haven’t, that’s OK choma. The most important thing is to first find out what makes you feel good about yourself before you start dating. Once you’re comfortable with yourself, you’ll know when you’re ready to date. If you’re not ready, that’s still cool choma. Remember that dating is fun and getting to know someone else while still discovering more things about yourself is partly what this thing called life is all about.