Dealing with Sibling Rivalry

Arguing, name calling and fighting over who used the last of the shampoo is an everyday thing for most of us with a sibling. Things get blown out of proportion and feelings get hurt, until someone gets their way. Having a sibling isn’t always a fighting battle, most times it’s fun having someone who is there with you to deal with home issues and to talk to when things get tough with your girls or your man.

Getting along with your sibling and being best chomas is the perfect situation we all want. But what if you and your sibling have nothing in common and the arguing turns into physical violence? When things turn ugly and your older or younger sibling becomes the bully at home you need to step it up – solve the problem before it becomes a big thing chomas. Here are a few tips to help you when you’re in a tight spot with your sibling. 

Keep your calm

Chomas this is the deal, keep the situation calm. When things start to get heated, step out of the room and take a second to think before you speak. Once you have found your way to deal without conflict go back and talk to your sibling. Ask why they are angry and how they think you should solve the problem. 

Don’t fall for the emotional abuse

When emotions are raised, words become the weapon of choice. Counter acting verbal abuse with a cool head can prevent feelings getting hurt, also preventing the fight from carrying on. Keep strong and don’t let anyone’s words get you down. 

Find some common ground

Your sibling might be stressed about school, home life or something you might also be going through. Try and start a conversation to calm them down when they are angry and emotional. Find out what’s causing their frustration and try relating to their situation by giving advice and comfort.

Family is where the heart is, your sibling is your number one choma when you need help. Keep the drama out and be the besties you were born to be.