Everyday Women You Can Be Inspired By- Nurse Angela

On the 9th of August 1956, South African Women from all walks of life changed the course of history forever, taking on the most repressive system the world has ever seen. They came together with only their courage and said NO to the pass laws and ensured that all South Africans were seen as equals from that day forward. Here are a few everyday women who are taking the world by storm; using their courage to change the world, one step at a time.

Saidy Brown

Saidy Brown is a 25 year old woman living with HIV. She was born with HIV and was diagnosed at age 14. It took some time for Saidy to accept her HIV status, but today she’s made it her life’s mission to assist other women who are struggling to accept their HIV status. She disclosed her status at the age of 18 on social media and believes it allowed more people to speak out. Saidy has managed to cultivate an online community of people who are living with HIV. She continues to use social media platforms to destigmatize HIV.

I know how hard things may be right now, I hope you get to a point where you recognize how beautiful you are, and I need you to know that HIV is life changing, but it is not life limiting, you can still do everything you have always wanted to do, and you can still achieve all your dreams. Your life doesn’t have to end because of this, and there is so much life after an HIV diagnosis”. – Saidy Brown 

Happy Simelane

Businesswoman and author of the book, Your Dreams Are Valid, Happy Simelane, is a 32 year old woman who grew up in Vosloorus. Happy was raised by her grandmother, and lost her mom to AIDS at a very young age. She attributes the loss of her mom to the fact that there was no access to antiretroviral therapy in those days. Happy’s life hasn’t always been easy, but she’s never defined herself by her circumstances. When her peers got admitted to tertiary institutions, she was nursing her new born baby at the age of 19. She didn’t let this stop her from pushing forward and chasing her dreams. Happy enjoys motivating and mentoring young people all over the country.

 “The African society has a way of ostracising young girls who make mistakes instead of helping and building them” – Happy Simelane 

Dr Dulcy Rakumakoe

Dr Dulcy Rakumakoe is founder of Quadcare medical Centres and Co-founder of Queer Well. Rakumakoe’s passion for people has led her to collaborate with organisations to ensure that even those who cannot afford to pay for private medical care can access crucial health services. You can visit the Quadcare website on www.quadcare.co.za to find clinics nearest to you.

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