Excuses for not condomising

Whether you are experienced or not, you’ve probably heard all kinds of things about condoms and sex. Many guys and girls talk about how much better it is to have sex without a condom – but if you’ve ever heard about unwanted pregnancy, STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) and HIV, then you know that sex without a condom is a huge risk.

Guys will come up with all kinds of excuses about why the two of you should not use a condom when you’re having sex, trying to make a fool out of us smart girls.

Here are some lame ones. If your guy gives you these, tell him to step because you’re WAY smarter than that!

“I’m too big, it won’t fit”

Yeah right. No guy is THAT big that he can’t fit into a condom. So number 1: Condoms come in different sizes, he needs to go out and find one. Number 2: If his ‘manhood’ is too big for a condom, then it’s too big for you. Run girl!

“I can’t feel anything”

This is a straight up lie ladies. Having sex with a condom isn’t that much different from having sex without one. If he tells you this, then let him know that WITHOUT a condom he will not be feeling anything because you’re not doing anything without one.

“I’m clean, I’ve been tested”

This could also be a lie. Chances are you don’t have proof that he has in fact been tested so you never really know. Apart from not REALLY knowing whether your man has an STD (because they may not have visible symptoms) or HIV, you still risk falling pregnant. Insist on that condom anyway, you don’t have time for his games.

“I don’t have one on me”

Then he should get one. Another thing is if you’re sexually active then at this point you need to pull out one of your own. Guys are not the only ones responsible for carrying condoms. If you know that you’re going to have sex soon, make sure you have a condom on you so that you avoid this situation. If neither of you have one, then put the sex on hold.

“Asking me to wear a condom means that you don’t trust me”

Guys only use this excuse to try and manipulate you so don’t fall for it. Not wanting to use a condom and trying to manipulate you at the same time is just disrespectful. Does he not respect your decision to be safe and to avoid pregnancy? If he doesn’t then no, you shouldn’t trust him.

A guy not wanting to have protected sex is actually something that you should be concerned about. If he hates it that much, then just imagine how many times he’s had unprotected sex with someone else?

You may be afraid of losing him, but if he is not afraid of putting you at risk then maybe you shouldn’t be with him. Your whole life could change in an instant just because you accepted these excuses. Having safe sex gives you a clear conscious because you then have fewer consequences to worry about.

These are just a few excuses guys use for not wanting to wear a condom, there are so many more. What excuses have you heard choma?