Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy

You’ve had unprotected sex with your partner and now you’ve just discovered that you’re expecting. This wasn’t part of your plan and now you don’t know what to do. You’re anxious, stressed out, and a little disappointed. Pregnancy can be a stressful experience for anyone. It can be even more stressful when the pregnancy is unplanned. It’s not uncommon Choma, for you to go through negative emotions as a reaction to your unplanned pregnancy, and actually fall into a depressive state. This happens to women all over the world, regardless of where they live or their background. Being in this situation can make you feel alone and extremely guilty – but you are not alone Choma.

Negative thoughts during pregnancy

Not all women will react to pregnancy in the same way. While some might actually be excited, others might feel scared and anxious. So just because a pregnancy is unplanned, it doesn’t mean that it will automatically lead to negative thoughts and feelings.

Pregnancy comes with a range of emotions. When pregnancy is unplanned, a lot of those emotions can be negative: from fear and anxiety to anger and shame. These are normal reactions to an unplanned pregnancy Choma. This is because an unplanned pregnancy is exactly that – a pregnancy that didn’t exactly come with any plan.

So right now you’re feeling anxious, worried about your choices and afraid of the outcome. Unplanned pregnancy can leave you feeling afraid, despondent, like your world is about to end which could lead to depression, of worthlessness and hopelessness.

What now?

Speak to Someone

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy that’s making you feel anxious or depressed, speak to someone about it. The best person to speak to would be either a healthcare practitioner or a counselor. It would be good to be able to speak to someone who can answer your questions from a medical and non-judgmental perspective. One source that you can go to for depression and suicidal thoughts is the South African Depression and Anxiety Group: http://www.sadag.org/. They have people available to take your call and talk to you whenever you need. Don’t go through this alone Choma, there is help available.

Get online Support

You could also try speaking to people who have gone through it before. If you don’t know of anyone personally, try searching for support groups online. Here are a few Choma:

Young Mom Support

Young Mom Support aims to provide a safe, healthy and non-judgmental environment for young mothers of all races, cultures, religions and family situations to socialise with their children. You can visit their website here or send them an email: info@youngmomsupport.co.za

Teen Moms Youth Development Club

This non-profit organisation is part of Options Care Centre in George. They meet weekly to empower teenagers to be good moms, providing creative programmes focused on their needs as both teenagers and moms. You can visit their website here or visit them personally:

Options Care Centre (Just behind La Capannina Restaurant)

122 York St.

George 6529

South Africa


LifeLine Pregnancy Support (Pietermaritzburg)

LifeLine Pregnancy Support is meant particularly for teenagers – both the young mothers and fathers – who are, or think that they may be, pregnant. It is also for the parents of teenagers who fall pregnant. There is information about all things related to pregnancy and having a baby. You can visit their website here or contact them on: 033-342-4447

For more places you can find teen support Choma, read this article: Finding support as a teen mom.

Be Around People Who Support You

It’s important that you are around people who can support you. And remember that those who are supporting you might not understand exactly what you are going through but they are trying their best to be there for you the way they know how. So accept the support of people who want to give you support.

Facing an unplanned pregnancy can certainly be stressful Choma, but always know that you have support options. You don’t have to go through this alone.

Remember, you can talk to me about anything. If you or a friend need advice or help, remember that you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657)