Five foods to beat the winter blues

It’s that time of year again. The days are getting colder, the nights longer and the air dryer. Often winter can get you feeling down. Your body goes through a bit of strain during the colder months, trying to keep warm, trying to get rid of colds and flu and generally lacking energy. If your immune system isn’t up to the task, you’re likely to catch the latest winter germ roaming around. Staying healthy during winter isn’t just about washing your hands and keeping a safe distance from sick people. There is a lot more to it and maintaining a healthy diet will definitely boost your immune system. Chomas these tips on what foods to eat to should help you kick the winter blues.


Fish contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids which are said to boost the immune system and improve your mood. Omega-3 fatty acids are also known as healthy fats and play an important role in regulating cholesterol. Omega-3 fatty acids are also said to reduce inflammation throughout the body which usually occurs when you have a cold or flu.

Leafy Greens

There’s a reason why Popeye is so strong and happy. Leafy greens such as spinach contain high doses of vitamin C. Vitamin C also has immunity boosting superpowers and has high antioxidants which increase levels of energy and are said to lower anxiety. Other foods in this category include kale, cabbage, lettuce and broccoli.


Starting your day with a bowl of oats every morning increases energy, immunity and plays a part in stabilising mood. A special fibre called Beta-glucan is found in oats, barley, and yeast, which does wonders for protecting your body against colds and flu during the winter season.


Yoghurt is said to contain “healthy” bacteria also known as probiotics which support a healthy digestive system. As well as supporting the immune system. A daily dose of yoghurt is not only healthy but is also said to shorten your spells of cold or flu.


The saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” isn’t a myth. Apples have more than one health benefit. Apples contain a soluble fibre which boosts the body’s immune system and are an excellent source of energy. Apples are also high in vitamin C and in antioxidants which are beneficial for glowing, beautiful skin. Another benefit that apples provide is that they make your teeth whiter.

See how easy it is to equip your body to raise its weapons during the winter months? Most importantly it is essential to eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly and get an efficient amount of sleep.

Stay warm, stay healthy and stay happy this winter!