Having a bad day? Try these tips

It’s normal to have both good and bad days. Everyone experiences bad days, so when life throws lemons at you, here are some things you can do to cheer yourself up.


Meditation is a good way to help you cope when you’re having a bad day. Meditation is about silencing your mind and focusing on your breathing. You can do this exercise by closing your eyes, sitting up straight and relaxing your shoulders. Slowly breathe in through your nose and then slowly exhale through your nose. Do this a few times until you feel relaxed. It good trick is to visualise something you like doing or somewhere you’d like to be. Let your thoughts and emotions come up without judging them- just observe and accept.

Talk to a friend

Sometimes, being able to talk about the things you’re going through can help you feel better. This can ease your anxiety and help you make sound decisions. There’s absolutely no need to go through life alone Choma- the people around you can positively affect your mood and the decisions you make. If you don’t have anyone you feel comfortable talking to, remember you can always chat with me.

Redirect your focus

Focus on what you can do, rather than things you can’t control Choma. Mastering the skill of mindfulness, practicing healthy coping mechanisms, and learning about the things that you can do to improve your mood is important.

Get active

Exercise and moving around can help you feel better instantly. Your body pumps out feel-good chemicals during exercise, which leaves you feeling good and energised. It’s as easy as going for a 10 – 20 minute walk if you’re having a bad day.

Get creative

Journaling is one of the best coping mechanisms. Try writing down how you feel, painting, or building something, like a puzzle, to elevate your mood.


Affirmations are positive statements you say to yourself to get you into a positive frame of mind. By repeating these positive statements, you can train yourself to have a positive mental attitude and approach to life. Examples of affirmations can include statements like, “I can overcome any problem I face”. “I will try again”. “I will attract only good and healthy relationships”.

It’s so easy to lose sight of these little things when we’re upset. I encourage you to try some of the tips I’ve mentioned above to get you through the bad days. Remember that bad days are temporary, so feel what you need to feel in that moment and then allow yourself to move on to happier days. Always end the day with a positive thought, no matter how things are.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send a Facebook message or a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).