Holiday party dos and don’ts

Holiday parties can be super fun. They come just in time after a long year of stressing and worrying about school activities. While you may be eager to attend all the lit parties on your gig guide, you need to think about how you’re going to be safer and more responsible at parties. Take a look below to see what I mean.

 Drink responsibly

Don’t – Don’t mix different alcoholic drinks, you’re likely to end up very drunk and/or ill, which may result in some bad decisions.

It’s also not a good idea for you to mix alcohol with drugs. You don’t know how they will interact and affect you.

Do – If you do decide to drink alcohol, then stick to one type of drink. Pace yourself, there’s no need to rush. You definitely want to enjoy the party and remember the jokes your friends tell you the next day. Drink water throughout the night to keep your body hydrated and help you flush out excess alcohol from your body.

The pressure to “hook up”

Don’t – If you’re not ready to have sex  don’t feel pressured to do it. It’s okay to choose not to be sexually active, even if all your friends are. It’s also okay to say ‘no’ to your partner if you don’t want to have sex with them – no one should pressure you into having sex.

Do – If you’re ready to be sexually active, make sure that this is your own decision. It’s also best to know your status before you start having sex and make sure you use condoms every time. Remember, you have the right to refuse sex at any point even if you thought you were ready.

Implement the buddy system

Don’t – Choma, I highly advise against going parties where you don’t know a single person there. Besides feeling awkward and isolated, being alone at a party makes you look more vulnerable to predators (people who ruthlessly exploit others). You definitely don’t want that.

Do – Rather attend parties with a group of people that you trust. This is a really cool idea because you’re sure to have a good laugh with people who get you and can look out for you, by watching your drinks for you and accompanying you to the bathroom to make sure you’re okay.

Let your loved ones  know your whereabouts

Don’t – While you may think that your parents aren’t the coolest, it’s definitely not cool to go to a party without letting your family know. Don’t lie about your whereabouts or try to sneak out if they don’t let you go out. This doesn’t just put your safety at unnecessary risk, it also means your parents are less likely to trust you if they find out the truth.

Do – Let your family know your whereabouts and charge your phone so that you’re always reachable. The thefestive season is hectic and unpredictable, being honest with your parents/ guardian means you’re looking out for yourself.

These are just guidelines to help you party the right way and stay safe this summer. They’re not meant to kill your vibe at all. Remember to do everything in moderation, have fun and be safe! Happy holidays.

 Remember if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Messagea Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).