How to Approach Your Crush

Have you ever been in a situation where you were crushing hard on someone but were too shy to approach them? It’s even harder for girls because we’re always told that guys are the ones who need to do the chasing. What happens if he doesn’t approach you; does that mean he’s not interested?

When it comes to crushes, you could find yourself in a situation where your crush is just as shy as you are. Maybe he is worried about saying the wrong thing when approaching you, or maybe he thinks you’re not interested. Well, chomas, here are some tips to remember when you want to get closer to your crush. 

Find things in common you can talk about

Whether your crush is your neighbour, classmate or friend’s cousin’s friend, there must be something the two of you have in common that you can talk to him about. Maybe you share similar hobbies, music interests or cultures. If you know what they like (and know that you’re interested in the same thing) it will be easier to hold a conversation. 

Pick the right time to speak to them

When the opportunity arises for you to talk to them just strike up a conversation. If they are happy to talk to you then great, the two of you can take it from there. If they seem uninterested then that’s okay, at least you got the courage to speak to them! If they seem interested, exchange numbers or invite them to hang out some time. 

Be honest

When talking to your crush, don’t pretend to be who you’re not. If the person really is for you, then they should like you for you. Also be honest about your feelings. There’s nothing wrong with being the first one to say it. Waiting for a guy to approach you is so old fashioned. Even as a young woman, there is nothing wrong with you making the first move. The worst that could happen is finding out that he is not interested. And if that is the case, isn’t it better to know now than wasting all that time longing to be with someone, right?

So the next time you see your crush, pluck up the courage to go over to them. Even if it’s just to say “hi”. Sometimes baby steps work too. Good luck choma!