How to flirt with body language

A person’s body language can speak a million words. Body language is a strong sign of what a person is thinking and feeling. It is hardwired into our biology. Being able to read body language is important for understanding people better and also in order to understand how you perceive your own non-verbal language. Find out how to flirt and learn how to read others’ body language. Here are a few body language basics chomas!

Eye contact

Eye contact connects two people’s souls.Holding someone’s gaze instantly sends out flirtatious signals. Another indicator is when someone looks at you and then quickly looks away. A simple lift of an eyebrow also comes across as flirty. Use these eye techniques to playfully flirt with your crush.


As people we tend to gravitate towards people we like. Leaning in towards the person you are speaking to will indicate interest in the person and the conversation. As people get more comfortable with each other, they move into each other’s personal space/ intimate zones. Find a balance between invading someone’s personal space but still show that you are interested.

Smiling and laughter

This one is easy. We usually smile and laugh when we are around people that we like. So smile often around your crush. Laugh when they say or do something funny. You don’t want to scare them off by over doing it. On the other end of it being cold, expressionless and offish may come across like you are disinterested. Just like proximity, balance is important.

Physical cues

There are other physical gestures you can do to flirt with your crush. Small motions often show that you are interested. Play with your hair or jewellery. Run your hand over your neckline, wrist or lips. Even rubbing the rim of her glass sends out flirtatious vibes. However, fidgeting, tapping and constantly checking your phone will say just the opposite. If you are nervous because you really like your crush, be aware of your nervousness. The more you of aware of it, the easier you will be able to control it.

Facial expressions

Our facial expressions usually become animated when we are interested in someone. Things you might notice include raising eyebrows, pressing lips together and fluttering eyelids. This is more likely to happen without you being aware of it. Next time you’re chatting with your crush, notice some of these things and see how they can work for you.

So there you have it chomas, subtle ways to show someone you are interested in them. Body language often speaks louder than words. Body language is an important social skill to have not only when trying to flirt with your crush, but in many other social situations.