The start of Term 3 may represent the midpoint through the year where you are heading to the end of the year examinations. This can be both scary and refreshing as you will get to take new classes that you may find challenging or worth the while. These are some of the things to help you prepare for term 3:
Reflect on the first and second terms.
When the first and second term is over, this is a good time to reflect on how you performed; you might find that you had some highs and lows, and this will help you prepare for what’s coming. Reflect on how you balanced your workload and if there were any unhealthy habits that didn’t help you; this will help you improve if there is a gap.
Preparation is everything.
Attending new classes can feel scary and overwhelming at first but it’s nothing you can’t handle. Preparing early has proved to yield good results. You can start by creating a study plan and deciding how much time you want to commit to one subject. Remember that some subjects might require more time than others.
Set goals.
When you have reflected on the past terms, use those reflections to help you be ready for the new term. You need to set goals which can be short or long-term, big or small, personal, or even school related, as long as the goal will help you to be motivated to be the best that you can be.
Master your learning style!
Everyone has a unique learning style, and you can master yours as well. When you understand your learning style, it will help you to understand your strengths and weaknesses, which can help you avoid making past mistakes.
Balancing life with school
It can be challenging balancing your personal life with school, but it is possible. It can be achieved by having a plan as to how much time you need to spend on your schoolwork versus the time you need to do chores or be with friends. You can also draw up a schedule where you list your activities and the time needed to do them. It is important to stick to it.
You can still have a great 3rd term, Choma, remember to ask for help when are having difficulties, everyone around is rooting for you.
If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send a Facebook message, an Instagram message or a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).