How to say ‘no’ to someone you’re not interested in

Rejecting someone you’re not interested in is not always easy. Some guys step away once you tell them you’re not interested but for other guys, you might need to be more firm with them. There is no great way to do it because no two guys are ever the same. Some guys may be understanding and stop pursuing you and move on. But, if you are not interested in someone after they’ve asked you to go out, then you have the right to say “No, thanks!” while showing respect to that person. Here’s how chomas.

Be Honest

Be honest about how you feel. It is possible to be honest while being kind and understanding. For some people, revealing how they feel can take a lot of courage so keep this in mind when someone tells you that they like you. It’s important for you to know that just because someone is nice, you don’t have to say yes to going out with them. However, just because you don’t feel the same way about them, it doesn’t mean that you have to be mean. For example, you could say:  “Thank you for letting me know how you feel. You’re a nice guy, but I don’t feel the same way about you.”

If you meet someone who is persistent (especially a stranger on the street), then you might have to be a bit more firm with them. Let them know you’re not interested and leave it at that. You don’t have to give them reasons why you’re not interested because you don’t owe anyone an explanation.

It’s okay to say how you feel

The truth is chomas, no one has to date anyone they don’t like and you shouldn’t feel bad about not being interested in someone. Yes, it might be hard for someone to hear that you don’t like them – but it’s best that they know how you feel so that you can both move on and find people that you’re better suited for. If you feel like your personalities and interests don’t match, it’s okay to say so. If you feel like there’s just no chemistry between you guys, it’s okay to say so too.

It might also be better for the person to know and maybe by hearing that they might also agree that you guys are not a good match. A healthy relationship consists of two people who enjoy each other’s company and are able to get along well when it comes to most things. A relationship shouldn’t feel forced and you definitely shouldn’t be in a relationship with someone just because you feel sorry for them or because you’re scared of them. You have the right to feel however you feel and not liking someone back is perfectly fine.  

Again, if he’s too persistent, let him know that his behaviour is harassment and you won’t tolerate it.

Don’t take too long to answer him

It’s not easy to turn down someone because you don’t want to hurt them and the attention may be fun because you feel desired or wanted. But, the longer you take to tell them the truth, the more the person thinks they have a chance with you. The more they think they have a chance, the more hurt and frustrated they will be. So, if you know that you are definitely not interested in this person let them know so they can move on.

Don’t let them try to “convince” you

Sometimes, no matter what you say, some guys might think that all you need is a little bit of convincing. They might think that you could “learn” to like them. If you don’t feel a certain way about someone, let them know that you won’t change your mind and excuse yourself from the conversation. It’s better to be around friends so that you can join a group of people who will be there for you incase the guy starts to harass you. If you’re alone, go into any place where there are people and let someone know if the person is harassing you.  

Ignore him

If push comes to shove and you’ve tried everything else and nothing has worked then you might need to ignore this person completely! If you see him walking closer to you, don’t look at him and walk either in the opposite direction or walk past him. If he forces you to speak to him, then shout and ask him to move away because you’ve already told him you are not interested. If you feel like you’re in any kind of danger, ask people nearby for help. If the person is someone you school or work with, speak to someone in a senior position and let them know what’s going on.

At the end of the day, you have every right to say no to the things you don’t want, and if it’s turning someone down because you’re not interested in them, then that’s fine chomas. The best thing is having the freedom to choose to date someone that you think is right for you.