How to stay motivated in winter

Doesn’t winter just make you want to stay in bed under the covers with a good book, a nice movie or just on your cellphone going through Choma posts? The cold weather certainly does make it hard to do all the things you were able to do before – like eating healthily, exercising or just being able to wake up early. But regardless of the weather chomas, it’s always good to do things that keep your mind and body healthy and active and that’s why I decided to create a list of ways you can stay motivated to get things done this winter.

Eat healthily

This is one of the most difficult thing for any of us to do in winter chomas. Cold weather makes you crave unhealthy things like hot pies and hot chocolate. The best way to avoid these foods is to not buy them. You can still have warm and healthy foods like soups and vegetable stews. Instead of hot chocolate, have tea, or have oats with a bit of cocoa and honey. Rather try healthier options instead of the unhealthy ones chomas.

Keep moving

It’s hard to stay active in winter, especially when you want to be indoors under your blankets. But you can still stay active, keep warm and have fun. Gather your friends or family and play a game together. Play a game of soccer, tennis, skipping (rope) or any of your other favourite games that involves everyone running around. Everyone has a favourite game that they loved playing when they were young so you can even get your older family members involved so that everyone can have fun while staying fit. 

Wake up early

Do you have an even harder time waking up on a winter morning? You’re not alone choma. It’s one of the hardest things for any of us to do. This is why you’ll need to do things a little differently in winter. One thing you can do is drink something before you sleep. By the time it’s time to wake up you will need to go to the bathroom anyway and this will definitely get you out of bed. Another thing to do is plan ahead. Make a list of all the things that you need to do as soon as you wake up. If you have something that you know you have to wake up for then it will be easier to wake up. Try to get out of bed as soon as possible. Lying in bed and making excuses for not waking up will make it more and more difficult to get out of bed as the minutes tick by.

If this fails, you can also set your alarm on your phone and put your phone on the other side of the room so that you’re forced to get out of bed.

Stay ahead with your studies

Studying in winter can be hard. Keep your books and your mind in check by studying smart choma. Don’t study in bed, rather study at a table, even if you study with your blanket – just make sure you’re sitting up at a desk. You can make yourself warm snacks, hot soup or hot tea to keep you going while you study. Also try staying away from social media during study time. If you need the company of others, rather call up a choma and study with them.

What do you think chomas, were these tips helpful? How do you stay motivated in winter? Share your tips in the comment section.