How To Stay Safe When You Go Out

You’ve studied hard for your exams and now you’re ready to let loose. But before you leave the house, Chomas, let’s take a moment to make sure you’ve thought about how to stay safe. A little bit of planning ahead can save you all the trouble later, and keep you safe from potential harm as well.. Here are some things to think about:

Where are you going?

Are you going to a  house party or a club? Is it far from home? Will you need to arrange to sleep over rather than try to get home late at night? I know it’s fun to see where the night leads you but a bit of a plan will help you in case of trouble. Do your friends, siblings, partner or parents know where you’ll be in case of an emergency? Now I’m not saying you have to tell them every little detail, but it really does help if you get stuck or in a situation.

How will you get there?

Are you driving? Getting a lift? Or taking public transport? Bear in mind that public transport like the Gautrain, Rea Vaya, My City bus and even taxis have cut off times; if you’re staying out late, how will you get back?

If you’re relying on someone to drive you to your destination, they must not drink alcohol. If they do drink alcohol, not only are they breaking the law, they’re putting your life in danger. Same is true if you’re the designated driver.

Try have a backup plan in case you lose your lift during the evening.). Chomas, if your lift home has decided to be irresponsible and get drunk, don’t endanger yourself. Find another lift home or get hold of a taxi service. Or, if you’re at a house party, arrange to sleep over if you know the people well enough.

Save your phone battery

Apps such as Uber and Taxify are a great way to get around in the evenings (you can even get Uber top up cards now at some stores so you don’t need a credit card), but they rely on you having enough phone battery and quite a bit of data to get hold of a driver, to begin with. If you’re going out all night, it’s worth it to have a little battery pack, if you have one, in your handbag in case of emergencies. If you’re going to be at someone’s house, take your charger with just in case.

If you don’t have any of these, make sure you don’t use your phone too much in the evening to save on battery life. Posting all those photos of your night out on social media will drain your battery sooner than you realise, so keep an eye on that. You need to have your phone on at all times in case you lose your squad or need to get home. It never hurts to be prepared.

Keep an eye on your drinks and belongings

While we’re on the topic of staying safe, always keep an eye on your drinks and never accept unopened drinks from strangers. Always make sure someone you know is with you. Don’t leave your belongings unattended either. Imagine what you would do if your phone was stolen and you have no way of contacting your lift home. It’s a horrible situation and it’s even worse when you’ve been drinking. Be safe out there.


Weekends are especially busy with lots of people going out and drinking. It’s more likely for incidents, whether on the road or at a party, to occur. So stick with your friends and be cautious Choma. You can have fun while being responsible.


Do you need advice on anything? Remember that you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657)