How to stick to Your New Year’s resolutions

You know how it is, in January we’re all excited about the New Year and making status updates with the hashtag: #NewYearNewMe. And then come March or April we’ve forgotten or given up on most of our New Year’s resolutions. Well chomas, let’s make a decision to make this year different.

So to help you stick to your New Year’s resolutions, I’ve created a list to help you out.

1. Don’t try to change everything at once

One of the reasons that we give up on our resolutions is because we try to change too much too quickly. Start off slowly, maybe even by starting with just one resolution at a time. Choose the goal that you know you’re most likely to achieve. Once the first goal is ticked off your list, choose the next goal you’re most likely to achieve and slowly work towards the big things. This way, you will become more confident the more you achieve and feel more motivated to continue.

2. Write it down/talk about it

By writing your resolutions down, or talking about them with others, you’re making your goals more real. If you simply think about it, it’s easier for your to give up or forget about it because then your goals are just thoughts. Also, writing a list allows you to keep track of your goals – everything you’ve achieved and are yet to achieve.

3. Have a plan

Don’t just throw yourself into it, make sure that you think about it. Plan out what you’re going to start with and how you’re going to go about doing it. This way you will see what is and what is not achievable. Which brings me to my next point…

4. Be realistic

Know what is and what is not possible when it comes to you personally choma. I’m not saying limit yourself, but definitely understand yourself. For example, deciding to run a marathon next month even though you’ve never ran a race in your life may not be a very realistic goal. So just think about what it is that you want to achieve and set realistic expectations for yourself. Also be realistic about failure – sometimes it happens. Just make sure that you’re mentally prepared to deal with it. One way to be mentally prepared to deal with failure is to promise yourself that even if you do fail, you won’t give up. Remember, New Year’s resolutions don’t all have to be achieved in January. Do everything at your own pace.

5. Get support

Surround yourself with people who are behind you and believe in you. Sometimes when we say that we want to achieve something, not everyone believes us. It’s important to have others who will encourage you when you slip up and celebrate with you when you succeed! Better yet, why not partner up with a friend or family member and achieve your New Year’s resolutions together?

Whatever you decide to do, remember to make it fun and positive.

What New Year’s resolutions are you hoping to achieve chomas? Let me know in the comment section.