How to tell if your crush likes you back

No matter what you do, you just can’t stop thinking about them. When they walk by in the passageway at school or when they’re playing sports after school, you can’t help but smile when you walk by. But when they come and talk to you, that’s when your heart skips a beat! But, you’ve now started wondering if your crush is just as into you as you are into her/him. How can you tell if your crush likes you back? Here are 7 signs.

  • Do they look at you often?

Do you normally catch your crush looking at you when they think you’re not? Do they look away once you look back? If they look away then that could mean they are nervous or embarrassed for being caught. Get a friend to look at your crush during class or during Physical Education. If your friend catches your crush staring at you for a long time that means your crush might like you.

  • Body language

When your crush is around you, do they seem shy or give a smile when looking at you? Then they may like you. When talking to you, do they look you straight in the eyes? If so, that means they are paying attention to you. Also, if your crush tilts their head and the rest of their body towards you, that means they want to be closer to you because they are leaning towards you.

  • Tries to touch you

Do you find your crush touching your arm a lot more than usual and do you hug each other every time you meet up? That means they want to connect with you physically and bond with you. Chomas, please note that this doesn’t necessarily mean they want to have sex with you.

  • Your crush gets excited when you both have something in common

If your crush finds out that you both like volunteering or playing basketball do they get excited? If so, that means they’ve found something in common with you and are planning to share these hobbies with you – hopefully very soon!

  • Shares personal information

When you meet up with your crush, do they share private information with you, without you asking for it first, like watching the Scandal! omnibus on Saturday or about their family? If so, that means they are letting you into a part of their world and they trust you with that information.

  • Is always complimenting you

Does your crush compliment you more regularly than usual? That means your crush wants to see you happy and feel good about yourself – not that you needed to be told that you are already beautiful.

  • Makes plans to see you

Nothing says “I like your company” than someone making plans to see you. Every chance they get they want to spend time with you. Look at your after school or weekend plans, and if your crush has started featuring more in your life now than before, then that means your crush likes you back.

So chomas, if your crush shows one or more of these signs then that means they may like you back. Be careful though, not everyone is the same when it comes to affection. Just because a guy/girl hugs you a lot, that doesn’t necessarily mean he/she wants to start a relationship – they could just be a very friendly person. The best way to know for sure, chomas, is to just tell the person how you feel.