Human Rights movements you should know about

Social movements are organised groups which aim to bring positive change and make our voices heard. South Africa has a painful history and on Human Rights Day, we remember the effort it’s taken to secure the rights that we have today. There are different social movements we can be part of, that support human rights in South Africa. Here are a few you should know about.


Inequality is growing around the world. Every year, the gap between the rich and poor gets even wider. Evenitup aims to fight inequalities by ensuring the tax system is fair, and that tax collected is invested in public services like healthcare and education. Learn more about this movement by visiting the #Evenitup website. You can also sign their petition to demand an inclusive economy from the South African government here.

Ending Period Poverty

“Period Positive” activist and educator, Candice Chirwa, created a organisation that teaches children about stigmatised subjects such as mental health, masculinity, and menstruation. This movement hosts menstruation workshops to introduce the topic to young people, and encourage them to speak openly and positively about periods. You can read more about this movement here.

“Having a period-positive world means that young menstruators, in particular, have the right infrastructure to manage their menstrual health so that they won’t ever have to contemplate using leaves or sand or paper or even cow dung. They can easily have access to [the correct sanitary] products” – Candice Chirwa.

Social Justice Coalition movement

The Social Justice Coalition is a democratic movement that raises awareness for the constitutional rights of those living in informal settlements across SA. Their campaigns are based on research, education, and advocacy to restore human dignity. Issues such as overcrowding, increased crime rates, no access to running water etc. are all tackled by this movement. You can get involved by visiting their website, or follow them on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

One Man Can

The One Man Can (OMC) movement encourages men to become actively involved in gender equality, preventing gender-based violence (GBV), and responding to HIV and AIDS. Sonke Gender Justice supports men in achieving this by helping them change their beliefs on gender norms, and take an active stand against domestic and sexual violence. This movement also teaches them how to implement these changes in their personal lives, which contributes to reducing the rapid spread of HIV. Become part of the change by visiting their website.

Supporting Human Rights movements is a simple action that can empower us to make the changes we want to see in our communities. Social movements allow us to make our voices heard, and to be part of much-needed change. What social movement do you advocate for? Share it in the comments below!

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send a Facebook message or a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).