Identifying Substance Abuse

There is no simple way to identify if your choma is abusing drugs or alcohol. However there are some signs of substance abuse that you can be aware of, especially now that the festive season is here. I understand that it’s not always easy to confront someone close to you and ask if they are taking drugs or alcohol, but if you can, try to first use that approach. Don’t be afraid to be direct with your questions. Be prepared for the response if it’s a “yes”, because you need to follow that up with more questions which should eventually lead in your friend getting help to stop the substance abuse. Be understanding, calm and non-judgemental throughout your conversation, it’s not easy for either of you to talk about substance abuse. Of course, not everyone will admit to taking any drugs or alcohol, especially to abusing any substance. So, here are signs and symptoms in identifying whether someone is struggling with substance abuse.

Personal Appearance

  • Shows lack of caring for their outer appearance or is messy looking
  • Wearing long sleeves in hot, sunny weather (maybe to hide track marks on their arms)
  • Poor hygiene
  • Burns or soot (caused by ‘ashing’ up a pipe) on fingers or lips

Personal Behaviour or Habits suddenly developed

  • Chewing gum more than usual or constantly eating sweets as if to cover up their breath
  • Sudden smell of smoke on clothes or breath
  • Teeth clenching
  • Going out almost every night
  • Always needing money for one thing or another
  • Has a larger appetite than before
  • Never looks at you in the eyes anymore or avoids eye contact as much as possible
  • Always leaves the room when a call comes in

Things to pay close attention in their room or car

  • Stashes of alcohol bottles
  • Unusual smell, such as alcohol or smoke
  • Pipes or bongs on the floor
  • Aluminium foil

Behavioural changes

  • You suddenly see your friend hanging out with an ‘odd’ group of people
  • Mood swings or being emotionally unstable
  • Loud
  • Depressed
  • Always tired
  • Stumbles a lot, poor balance or unusually clumsy
  • Laughs at nothing
  • Unusually quiet
  • Walks around in a very slow manner
  • Can’t seem to focus on anything – schoolwork, a conversation, a television show, etc.
  • Has periods of sleeplessness followed by periods of sleeping for too long
  • Disappears for long periods of time
  • Has unprotected sex
  • Car accidents

Health problems

  • Constant runny nose
  • Vomiting
  • Sores or spots around the mouth
  • Always sick
  • Constantly has headaches
  • Nosebleeds
  • Frequent sweating
  • Dilated pupils

The link between drug use or alcohol and unsafe sex

Some drug users might engage in unprotected sex in exchange for drugs, putting them at a higher risk of contracting sexually transmitted illnesses (STIs)  such as HIV. Someone trading sex for drugs might find it hard to set limits on what they are willing to do. Basically, drug use and alcohol consumption may reduce condom use and result in unsafe sex – increasing the risk of HIV infections and other STIs.

The goal here is to not judge your friend but simply to find help for him or her so that they can prevent themselves from any more harm. The festive season can be a difficult period for some if they are going through something traumatic like a death, loss or a rape while everyone around them is happy and enjoying themselves. For some, coping with these issues can be hard if they do not have any support, which is why they often look at drugs or alcohol to cope.

Let’s all help one another this festive season chomas!