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Infertility: What are your options?


Being diagnosed with infertility can seem like a dead end to your efforts to conceive. However, just because you can’t conceive naturally doesn’t mean there aren’t other options. There are many fertility and other options available. Here’s more.

Fertility medication

If your infertility is caused by something which can be treated, sometimes medication can help you become fertile again. Your healthcare provider will prescribe medication which can help increase your chances of conceiving, based on the cause of your infertility.

Medical procedure

If fertility medication doesn’t work for you, your healthcare provider can suggest medical fertility procedures, depending on your situation.


If fertility medications and procedures haven’t worked for you, you could consider surrogacy as an option. Surrogacy is a method of assisted reproduction where intended parents will work with a surrogate (someone that carries your baby until birth). Speak to your healthcare provider about this option.


Adoption is also an option if you can’t conceive naturally. This is where you legally adopt and care for a child as if they were your own. If you choose to adopt, you must approach an adoption agency, who’ll screen you and help you look for a child who is available. You can start this process by visiting the Department of Social Development website.

Living child-free

It’s also okay if your decision is to live child-free. Most often when people choose to live child-free, it’s because they’ve made a decision that the options above aren’t suitable for them, or that they’ve tried with no success.

There are so many options available if you can’t conceive naturally and your healthcare provider will be able to guide you through them all. They should also advise on the practical and emotional requirements of each option.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).


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