Is it love or lust?

You know that moment when you realise you’ve caught major feelings for someone and you want to say those three words for the first time- “I love you”? It can be super nerve wracking because, how do you know you really love them? It’s pretty easy to confuse lust for love and rush into things, so here’s a quiz to help you figure out whether your feelings are real, or if they’re purely physical.

How do you think about your crush?

  1. Mostly in a physical or sexual way- I think about being intimate with them.
  2. I think about the small things they do or how I can make them happy

How do you usually spend time together?

  1. We usually spend time together at night or when we want to have sex
  2. We spend time doing things that are new, or on fun activities 

What are most of your conversations about?

  1. We mostly talk about non-serious things and don’t open up personally
  2. We have deep conversations where we both open up

How well do you know your crush?

  1. I don’t know them very well
  2.  I feel like I know a lot about them

Have you discussed your future together?  

  1. Not really, we’re going with the flow
  2. Yes we have, I like to know where a relationship is going

Mostly As

It seems like your feelings for your crush might just be lust. This isn’t a train smash though, because you can develop real feelings for them if you want to get to that stage. But it’s important to remember that feelings of lust are mostly physical and it’s best to only be intimate with someone who you actually care about and can be in a committed relationship with.

Mostly Bs 

You probably really care about this person on a deeper level than just a crush. This is a great thing to feel if you’re both on the same page about where you want your relationship to grow towards. 

I hope this quiz has really helped you if you’re struggling to understand your feelings for someone. It’s okay to be confused, because feelings are such a tricky thing to try and navigate when you’re young, but always remember to take your time and be easy on yourself. 

If you need more relationship advice, or any other type of advice, you can speak to me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).