Is jealousy necessarily a bad thing in a relationship?

Some say that jealousy is a good thing in a relationship because it means that the person may be slightly scared to lose you. Others may disagree and say that jealousy shows a lack of trust in a relationship. Even if you are in a healthy relationship jealousy can pop up and that could be a sign that there may be something you need to communicate to your partner. Here are different ways jealousy may be a healthy sign that you may need to communicate better with your partner.

Your partner is doing better than you at some things

You and your partner have both decided to take up something together and you start realising that he or she is doing better than you. You start to get jealous and that’s all right. This means you see each other as equals and not necessarily as better than the other one. To make this feeling of jealousy go away, you can speak to your partner about it and ask for help in improving your skills. This in turn will bring you closer together.

Your partner gives his/her friends a lot of attention

You may be used to being the number one person in your partner’s life especially when you both have become used to spending a lot of time together. So when you notice you partner giving the same amount of attention to his/her friends you may start to get jealous because you are not used to sharing that with anyone else. It’s normal to not always be the main priority in your bae’s life, you need to do two things once you realise that you have become jealous.

One: Voice your jealousy to your partner and make him or her aware of the behaviour if it’s too much for you.

Two: Start focusing more on yourself and other parts of your life, like YOUR friends and quality time with them. Start giving yourself more attention if you feel that you have neglected parts of yourself.

Your partner experiences something exciting without you

Experiencing something exciting and new with your partner can bring you both closer together. But what happens when your partner plans to do something fun without you? This can be hard to deal with choma. So, talk to your partner, once you find out and let him/her know that her/him planning to do something without you is hard to deal with and is making you feel jealous. You can even suggest doing something special for the both of you afterwards.

Someone makes a statement about your partner that you are not aware of

Some people in relationships may sometimes feel like they should know every detail about their partner, especially when they start spending a lot of time together. They may start to feel like every part of their partner’s life is also a part of theirs, so when they hear someone else talk about their partner about something that may be personal they may feel hurt, jealous and embarrassed that they didn’t know about it too. This is OK choma, be honest with your partner and ask them why they didn’t tell you. It may be something irrational, but if you feel hurt that you didn’t know about this information, then it is important to address it with your partner.

Communication is always important choma and you should always feel appreciated so that you don’t always get jealous.

What do you think? Can a little jealousy be a good thing in a relationship?