Life After Matric 101: I’m Done With High School, Now What?

Have you just completed matric and want to figure out what to do?  Whether you decide to study, travel or work, you can make the most of your experience by being prepared. Let’s explore some of your post-matric options:

Apply for University

You can use your Matric Certificate to study at university. This depends on the Matric Pass Levels you achieved. If you have a Bachelor’s Degree or Diploma Pass, you have a better chance of being accepted into university. However, your acceptance still depends on whether you meet other requirements that the university may require.

If you obtained a National Higher certificate and a National Senior Certificate pass, you could study at a college. Your chances of being accepted at a college are better than at a university.

Upskill Yourself

 Many institutions offer you the opportunity to upskill yourself while gaining highly desirable skills like an FET college. There are short courses available that are up to 6 months to a year that you can take.

Build Experience

If you would like to gain work experience, here are some of the options to consider:

  • Finding a part-time job: Look for entry-level jobs, you can visit websites such as Careers24, Indeed and Pnet for opportunities.
  • Becoming a nanny: If you love kids, offer to babysit or help clean around the house for a family member or neighbour and earn some money. This experience can open up opportunities for au pairing.
  • Pet walking: If you love animals, you can ask your neighbours if they need help walking or looking after their pets.
  • Getting a retail Sales job: Some stores in malls offer part-time or even weekend work. Visit your local mall and see what opportunities are available.

Your options after matric are endless. Remember to give it your all and you can have a fulfilling career journey.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Messagea Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).