Love is love. It has no gender, colour or disability

Chomas, as you know, I’m all about diversity and understanding. No one should be made to feel bad or feel shame for who they love. Even if that person is different from you – like a different race – or if they are the same – like girls who like girls.

Even though some of the more traditional or older people in our communities can’t understand this, or are offended by it, we’re seeing that loads of people out there are coming to the same conclusion: we’re all just people. In South Africa, the constitution – the best in the world – protects the rights of all people to live the life they want, and to love who they want.

Last week a video on the Internet caught my attention, talking about just this issue, and I thought you’d like to know about it, or to watch it. The video was posted on Youtube earlier this month, and has already been viewed an amazing 43.8 million times by people all over the world. Yes, you read that right: forty-three million views!

Here’s the link to the video if you want to watch it:

If not, here’s what happens:

So what is so special about the video? It shows people behind a massive xray-screen. You know, so they look like skeletons, and we can’t see anything about them other than their bones. The people behind the screen dance and have fun. Some of them kiss and hug.

Then they come out from behind the screen and we get to see what they really look like: an elderly couple, a pair of sisters where one sister is disabled, a mixed-race couple and a gay couple. The message of this clever little video is that we are all fundamentally the same deep down. The video is part of a campaign called “Love has no labels”.

If you are struggling with being attracted to someone that you think your parents wouldn’t be happy with, maybe this video would be a good way to start a conversation – with your friends, or your family. And maybe, even if you don’t want to talk about it yet, it is just nice to be reminded that it doesn’t matter who you love, we’re all the same inside, beneath the skin.

If you want some more advice on coming out to your parents, read this: