We all have a general idea of how awful drugs are for the body and mind, right chomas? You’ve probably also heard of the drug, Nyaope, that has been sweeping through areas across South Africa.
Nyaope or, Whoonga as it’s sometimes called, contains third-grade heroin and a combination of chemicals that often include rat poison! Its main ingredient is antiretrovirals (ARVs) or HIV/AIDS treatment medication. It looks like a fine powder and is mixed with tobacco or marijuana and is smoked. Not surprisingly, it is considered to be one of the most dangerous drugs in the world!
The effects of using nyaope are serious and dangerous. Even after using it just once, you could experience some awful side effect such as anxiety, aggression, stomach cramps, a slowed down heart rate and respiratory problems. Some users have reported that they can go without eating for days, which weakens their immune system and makes them more vulnerable to illnesses. What’s also really sad chomas is that this killer-drug has made convicts of thousands in communities across the country.
Nyaope is very easy to get and the fact that it only costs about R20 for ‘a hit’ is one of the reasons that it has become so popular in South Africa. In fact last year several Durban Nyaope addicts made an unusual request to Durban city bosses – begging them to take stricter action against dealers who sell this heroin-based drug. Imagine that choma – so devastating are its effect that even some addicts want the supply to be cut!
If you know somebody who is battling a nyaope addiction, you can offer them support by helping them get help; by being there for them and listening to them and also referring them to services that can provide their support and care they need.
Prevention is better than cure chomas. Bottom line is, drugs are not cool and you should stay away from them at any costs as the consequences are life threatening to yourself and the people you care about. Love and respect your body and yourself!
Below are the details of a few drug rehabilitation centres and other place to seek help. Remember you can also Ask Choma any question you may have on nyaope and drug addiction.
Operation Thiba Nyaope:
Eden Recovery Centre
438 Chattan Road
Glenferness AH
011 244 9916/18
827 Elias Motsoaledi Road
Moroko Jabavu Soweto
086 14 72 622
Tranquility Clinic
132 Seventh Street
Cnr. First Ave.
34 Steyn Avenue
011 656 0705
06 22 77 0911 (24Hrs)
ARCA Durban
1 Exmouth Avenue
031 261 5515
078 27 22 911 (24Hrs)
Anti-drug Forum
17 Trisula Avenue,
Arena Park,
(031) 404 6993