Preparing your mind for the school year

The new year always seems to come too quickly doesn’t it? Just when you can’t get enough of the holidays, and spending time with all your friends and family, BAM, it’s time to go back to school! Don’t worry chomas, we got your back. That’s why we’ve come up with some tips on how to get your mind back into study-mode.

Get Organised

We know, the thought of preparing for school can seem like such a mission. But trust us, being organised is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Just think about how good it would feel come Monday mornings and you know where your school shoes, pencil case and books are. Think about how ready you would feel if all your books are covered and labeled for the year ahead. Getting organised can make you feel like you’re getting ready to kick some serious butt this year! So go ahead and get all your things in order. You’re smart. You’re prepared. You’re passing!

Set Goals

Forget about the past and focus on your future achievements. What do you want to achieve this year? You don’t have to tell everyone about it, you could just make a promise to yourself. Setting goals will give your year a greater purpose. Your goals could be around anything: Making good new friends, building a better relationship with your family, getting straight A’s, learning a new language. Setting goals and working to achieve them will remind you that no matter what anyone says, you have the ability to do great things!

Hang out with people who want the same things

Believe it or not, sometimes what holds you back is hanging out with people who don’t want to move forward. It’s always good to surround yourself with people who want to achieve similar things to you and who are just as determined as you are. Find positive influences and just being with them will put you in a good mental space. If one of your goals is to study hard, hit the library or go to study groups because that’s more likely where you will find people who want to achieve the same thing.

Stay Positive

The best way to get ready for a new year is to be positive about it. Don’t listen to all the negative talk about you, your school, your family or your circumstances. Focus on the things that you can change. If you allow yourself to believe that positive change is possible, and that you are the person who can bring about that positive change, chances are that it’s exactly what you will do choma. Don’t let yourself be pulled back by negativity and small talk. This year is all about big things. Remember that no matter how small everything around you seems, you have a big a mind and with that you can do great things.

We’re wishing you a fantastic year chomas! Remember that we are with you all the way, so always check back here for your daily dose of positivity, and don’t be shy to ask questions or ask for advice, I’m always here to help a sista out!