Quiz: Are you watching your vaginal health?

When it comes to your vaginal health, you can never be too careful or know too much. From time to time, it’s always a good idea to check in with yourself and your habits- especially the ones that can have an affect on your health. Remember that you should always go to your healthcare provider or gynaecologist to get an accurate check up done, but in the mean time, here’s a quick quiz to check if you’re on the right path!

What kind of underwear do you wear the most?

a. Cotton briefs

b. I switch things up a lot

c. Lacy underwear / thongs

How often do you wear tight clothing?

a. Hardly ever

b. Sometimes

c. Most of the time

How do you clean your vagina?

a. Just warm water & a clean cloth

b. Sometimes I use mild soap with water

c. Fragranced vaginal soaps (douches)

How often do you drink water?

a. All the time (about 8 glasses a day)

b. Not too often, but sometimes (between 4-6 glasses)

c. Not a lot (I skip days sometimes)

Do you like sugary foods?

a. Not at all

b. Sometimes

c. Most of the time

Calculate your results

Now all you have to do is grab some paper to write your answers down to see which ones you scored more of. That’ll show you how you’re doing on the road to good vaginal health.

Mostly As

Awesome! It looks like you’ve got some good habits that are keeping your vaginal health the way it should be. Keep staying fresh and clean ‘down there’.

Mostly Bs

Almost there Choma! You seem to be on your way to good vaginal health, but keep making sure that you drink more water and try stay away from using fragranced products when cleaning your vagina. Here are more tips for vaginal health mistakes you might be making.

Mostly Cs

Uh-oh! It looks like you might need to start making some changes to get your vaginal health into a good zone Choma. Not treating yourself well when it comes to your vaginal health can lead to some problems like bad smells and irritation, but don’t worry though, it’s not impossible to get yourself healthy again. Read this article to see if there’s anything you’re experiencing that isn’t normal.

Keeping your vaginal health in a good state is so important on the road to maintaining your sexual reproductive health. If you notice any unusual changes in your vaginal discharge, smell or if you start feeling irritation, make sure you set up an appointment with your gynaecologist or healthcare practitioner to make sure it’s not a serious problem.

Otherwise, if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).