Quiz: How much do you know about Youth Day 

June is a month in which South Africa celebrates the freedom and rights of the youth. While we celebrate Youth Day today, let’s also take time to think about the history of this public holiday. What better way to do that than to test your knowledge of Youth Day than a fun quiz?

What date is Youth Day? 

  1. 17 June
  2. 16 June
  3. 24 June

What happened on this day?

  1. The country was protesting
  2. School learners where fighting for their educational rights
  3. Students were being disruptive instead of paying attention in class

Youth Day was initially know as…

  1. Soweto day
  2. Students day
  3. Uprising day

Who’s the child in the iconic photograph?

  1. Hector Peterson
  2. Nkosi Johnson
  3. Hastings Ndlovu

Which South African movie was based on the 1976 Soweto Uprising?

  1. Skin
  2. Sarafina
  3. Cry Freedom

How old was Hector Peterson when he died?

  1. 17 years old
  2. 12 years old
  3. 15 years old

What year did Youth Day become an official day?

  1. In 1990, when Nelson Mandela was released from prison
  2. In 1994, when Nelson Mandela become President of South Africa
  3. 3. 2000, In the new Millennium


1). 16 June

2). School learners where fighting for their educational rights

3). Soweto day

4). Hector Peterson

5). Sarafina

6). 12 years old

7). In 1994, when Nelson Mandela become President of South Africa

It’s important for us to recognise and pay tribute to the youth who fought and suffered for justice and freedom in our country. This day is not only about the past, but very much about today and the future. It doesn’t really matter how many answers you got right, the most important part is that you had fun taking the quiz and that you learned something new about our history.

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