Reasons people don’t use condoms when they should

Choma, remember that condoms also mean protecting yourself against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). If you’re sexually active or thinking about having sex for the first time, contraception should be your top priority, so you might be asking, why are so many of my friends still making excuses for not using protection?

I’m sure you’ve heard the common and ridiculous excuses like, “it just doesn’t feel the same”, “putting it on ruins the moment” or “condoms are only for promiscuous people?” Well here are a few more you might be familiar with but need to get out of your head.

“I get strange looks at the counter when I buy them”

You know when you’re super nervous about buying condoms because you’re scared of what the person at the till will think about you? Don’t let the idea of “what will people say” turn what’s supposed to be an act of real responsibility and maturity, into something to be embarrassed about, Choma. If someone else wants to throw shade at you for taking care of yourself, that only says more about them than it does about you. So you take that first step and you buy those condoms with no shame!

“Well it doesn’t look like he/she has an STI, so I’m pretty sure they don’t”

Did you know that there are so many sexually transmitted infections (STIs) that don’t show symptoms but still exist? Being infected isn’t limited to how a person looks on the outside, that’s why it’s so important for you and your partner to have protected sex, even if you’re getting tested regularly.

“She’s/I am on the pill”

As much as it’s a great thing to avoid unplanned pregnancy or just balance out your hormones, remember that the pill doesn’t protect you against STIs including HIV. Condoms are the only form of birth control that protects against pregnancy but also, and more importantly, against STIs including HIV.

“Well I’m a lesbian so it’s not necessary”/”I don’t need one for oral sex”

Think again, Choma! STIs can also be spread through skin to skin contact (particularly where bodily fluids are concerned), and not just through penetrative sex. Ever heard of dental dams? You can read this article to find out more. You need to know that no matter who your partner is, you are still at risk of getting an STI from unprotected oral sex.

“Brand condoms are too expensive but government condoms aren’t sexy”

I understand that condoms can be a bit pricey, and bringing out that famous blue and yellow condom pack might not be so attractive. This is why Choice condoms now come in different flavours to match up to its brand new, more stylish packaging. Choma, a great idea is to add a pack of condoms to your toiletry budget along with your other necessities like deodorant, pads or tampons, soaps and lotions.

Protecting yourself and your partner should be your top priority if you’re sexually active. Don’t let anyone manipulate you into thinking that unprotected sex is better. Love yourself and your health enough to say no to sex without a condom.

Have you come across any other reasons? Share with me in the comments, choma.