Sex Myths about the Vagina

I’m sure you’ve heard quite a few strange things about the female anatomy, particularly the vagina and breasts. From people saying girls who have larger breasts have more sexual partners to some saying there is such a thing as a perfect vagina. Sex myths about the female’s private parts are dangerous because they prevent you from understanding how exactly your body works and how you can properly take care of it.

Myth 1: There’s such a thing as the perfect vagina

There’s no such thing as a perfect vagina chomas. Vaginas vary in size, shapes and shades. So stop wondering how a perfect vagina should look like, there is no such thing. Your vagina is perfect the way it looks chomas. No two vaginas look exactly the same. Vaginas come in different colours, sizes and shapes and are all normal.

Myth 2:  You can tell how many people you’ve slept by looking at your breasts

Some people believe that the size of a woman’s breasts is equal to the number of people she’s had sex with or how often her breasts have been fondled by men. In other words, the bigger your breasts, the higher the number of sexual partners a girl has had. This is not true. Everyone’s breast sizes are different and having large breasts doesn’t mean you’ve had a lot of sexual partners. Just like having small breasts doesn’t mean the number of sexual partners you’ve had will be lower than girls with larger breasts. Our breasts are all different and we need to celebrate those differences.

Myth 3: Too much sex makes your vagina “loose”

There are some people who claim that having a lot of sex with a partner can cause the muscles of the vagina to become ‘loose’. Vaginas come in different sizes chomas and so it’s important to understand that vaginal muscle is elastic or flexible, meaning it can naturally decrease in size (contract) and go back to its normal size and shape after sexual intercourse.

Myth 4: There are ways to make your vagina look and smell better

There is no need for a woman to add things like detergents, alcohol, antiseptics and even bleach into the vagina to make it smell or look ‘better’. Doing this can cause serious internal injuries and increase the risk of breaking the condom, which increases the risks of contracting Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). A healthy vagina is naturally acidic and has enough amounts of bacteria to keep infections away. For a clearer understanding on vaginal health, speak to a healthcare professional if you experience ‘dryness’ in your vagina chomas. Also, talk to your partner if you experience pain during sex and let them know how that makes you feel. Don’t feel pressurised by your partner to have sex, especially if you feel uncomfortable doing it. Chomas, sex is meant to be enjoyed by both people – not just one person.

Have you heard any other strange sex myths about vaginas? Share in the comments below. You can also message me any questions you have through Ask Choma.